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Thread: I feel like i'm just wasting away and will never find someone?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    I feel like i'm just wasting away and will never find someone?

    I had bad social anxiety as a teenagers, i lost myself in online games and just didn't bother with people, i was always depressed though and felt empty. I've for the most part overcome my social anxiety, still a little shy but can hold my own and seem normal in conversations. I'm 22 male now and i had a partying room mate who was very popular, he introduced me to a lot of his friend and i would go to frat parties with them all, they all saw how shy i was and would tell me to go hit on a girl or dance, i still had some anxiety and just couldn't approach girls and i didn't know how to dance. But pretty much everyone from my roommates crew said i was very good looking, one guy even said i just need confidence and that i'm probably the best looking guy at this party. Due to all the compliments i got i know i'm if anything above average as far as looks go, i'm not conceded at all though, i'm just trying to say i'm not lacking in looks, just the opportunity to get someone. All of my roommates friends were not my kind of people, they were all very loose, which i don't judge but it's not me, i've even had a few straight up ask me if i wanted to have sex but i don't want to give up my virginity to someone who i can't have a relationship with, they are all very different from me personalty wise and i knew it wouldn't work with any of them, i'm not even that picky but now i have a knew roommate and i'm just so isolated from females... I feel like the right person has to meet you at the right time for something to happen and it's just not happening!, no one socializing in class ,it's just attend, listen and leave, sure i'm surrounded by girls being in college but unless u have a legit reason to speak to someone you can't and even if you can it usually doesn't turn into something... the sad thing is i know i have so many good qualities and would treat a girl right and i know most girls think i'm attractive and would go out with me if the chance arose but i feel like it's a matter of luck and not something you can even put forth effort to attain, i think i'll end up 30, 40 and then 50 like my mom is right now and being single, what's the point when you are alone and don't have anyone to share life with? what can i do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    You are a male. Get out and approach girls. Just strike up a conversation with someone you are attracted to. Simple. You never know where it can go. Most girls don't approach guys. Just be confident.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    You will be fine try to get involved in a different scene. If you're in college, you should look into student orgs that interest you. Volunteering is actually a great way to meet girls as well. I suggest you volunteer for a cause you care about. Worst case senario: you help people without finding a girl you like. Best: you help people AND find a giving person who shares your values. Plus it's a great way to get to know someone sober and without any pressure.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Be more open to the opportunities around you. You can still take a girl out without having to sleep with her. That is what dating is all about, going out, meeting new people, seeing what they are like, and maybe hit it off with someone. This part is just getting to know someone, not necessarily with the expectation of sex or a relationship. YOU can just go out with different girls. You are not obligated any further than just dinner get it??

    You are wasting your time, nit picking, saying oh she's probably easy, or I can't see her being relationship material.....well bub you don't know unless you take them out and get to know them simple as that. So stop telling yourself you need a relationship. That comes in time. You have to do the ground work FIRST by dating, going out and just having fun.

    - - - Updated - - -

    When I was single, I kept an open mind, and went out on a lot of dates, most of them not going anywhere but I enjoyed going out. I even asked guys out on dates as well. I never stopped trying and by 25 I met my husband.

    - - - Updated - - -

    IMO you are just making excuses because you can't muster up the confidence to do it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    IMO you are just making excuses because you can't muster up the confidence to do it.

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