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Thread: Messed up, slept with someone :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Messed up, slept with someone :(

    Hi everyone,

    thanks for reading this will try and make it as short and simple as possible. Basically I have been in a relationship for over a year now with a really great guy I love very much. In the summer I moved, got a new job and unfortunately it took me a while to get used to all those changes (I was miserable, etc. which is NO EXCUSE for what happened) but I ended up hooking up with someone I work with. Now this guy started pursuing me from the moment we met and he caught me in a moment of weakness, very drunk at a staff party. I barely remember anything but that doesn't mean it doesn't count, I cheated.

    I have been working very hard to make my relationship work with all the changes and I think we are at a very good place now and I know something like this will never happen again, so if you are planning on telling me that I am a bitch, slut etc. spare me, I know i messed up, this is not the type of advice I am asking for.

    I believe that telling my boyfriend will only hurt him more than it will do him good and I want to move on from this (he hasn't been perfect either !!), the only problem is the guy from work, who is a player but has since then continued to make moves on me (mostly after he has had a drink, telling me he likes me and that I am not just one of the girls etc.) I don't believe any of this obviously, though he rarely sleeps with a girl more than once from what I know. I am terrified he will tell someone and word will get out (I regret everything I did, I don't want to sleep with him ever again) and I don't know how to handle this with him and still stay on good terms and by good terms I mean, things have been awkward at work since, he has been awkward, acting like a bit of a schoolboy and people are starting to notice.

    What do you think he is trying to get out of this? How do I handle this with him? I don't want to seem weak, but I don't want to make him angry either as he could ruin everything for me?

    Please help, thank you!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    What's wrong with calmly telling him that you were drunk and you made a mistake but you won't be repeating that mistake and would he kindly stop trying to make it happen. Be calm and straightforward and talk to him.

    You might want to make sure your bf wears a rubber until you make sure you didn't catch the herp from "lover-boy."
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

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