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Thread: Valentines Day Letter

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Valentines Day Letter

    Hey everyone, I am new to this site, and this is my first post but here it goes:

    I'm Jake, I'm 18 years old. I started dating this girl, Gabby a few months ago, and although the relationship is still very new, we are clicking on levels I never thought were possible so early on. We completely get each other, it's like we're perfect for each other. We've spent nearly every day together over the past few months, and the days we can't see each other we are texting all the time. We've already told each other we love each other, and I really do. She is my first love, and I can't even begin to express how happy she makes me. So I wanted to write her a letter for valentines day coming up, and I just did a rough draft today, and I wanted to think what you all thought about it, anything I should change possibly, or if its good? Thank you! (Sorry if it's kind of long :/)

    Hey baby girl,
    Happy Valentines day. Flowers and candy are nice and all, but that doesn't even come to close
    to expressing how I feel about you. So I'm gonna try my best in this letter:

    These last few months have been the best of my life,
    and I can say that with 100% certainty. Honestly, I'm sure neither of us thought this would happen,
    but it did, and I could not be anymore thankful. I remember coming over your house the first few times,
    I was soooo nervous, But once I was with you it's like all my other worries went away. I still don't understand
    how I felt so comfortable around you so soon. We had this spark, I knew it when I gazed into your electric blue
    eyes. It made me feel something I've never felt before. It's like I never wanted to leave. I could have layed on that
    floor with you for an eternity. There's no way I could have thought of anymore ways to shake hands, but I gave it a shot just
    because it was an excuse to hold your hand. We had our first kiss the night before, but I'm not even gonna lie
    it was just a little awkward because I still wasn't sure of my self hahaha, but on this night, as we layed there,
    THAT is what I consider our first real kiss.

    I kissed you and it felt like I was floating, there was no place else
    in the entire world I would rather be. Your beauty left me speechless, and it still does (which means it's
    pretty hard to write this letter). A few days later we watched my favorite tear jerker (Fault in Our Stars).
    That moment after the movie ended, that's when I knew. You were
    just laying there on my chest, and we were holding hands. I felt like you were mine. I think that's when I knew I loved you.
    I know it was soon, I know people would say that I'm crazy, but I don't care. Of course I had to go ahead and ruin the moment
    with that infamous "pizza" comment, but I was under the influence of emotions I've never felt before, and I didn't know how to
    react. I honestly don't know what I would do without you in my life, you are my everything. I think about you everyday. You are the
    first thing on my mind when I wake up, and the last thing that crosses it before I fall asleep. When we are together I just feel so happy,
    it doesn't matter if we are sitting in silence on our phones looking for something funny to show each other, or if we are having
    emotional conversations about life. As soon as I leave, I want to come right back. It's like we could do anything, as long as we
    are together, I never get bored. And I know yo think you're "hard to love", but let me tell you exactly why I love you so much:

    I love your eyes. You could piss me off, but then just give me that look with those beautiful blue eyes, and I'm lost in them. I can't help it. You have me mesmerized.
    I love your beauty. Gabrielle (her full name), you are the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. I know you hate it when I stare at you,
    but honestly sometimes I just need a second to try to comprehend how perfect you are, and how lucky I am.
    I love that you don't care what people think. It would be so easy to cave into the pressure of everyone around us questioning us, but you put
    our happiness above that, and that's so attractive.
    I love all of the little things you do. From your sick dance moves, to your corny jokes, to not chipping your nails just for me, to your
    catch phrases, to our funny handshakes, to the way you say, "mmhmm" when you are pretending to be mad at me, to your slightly rusty flute playing abilities (sorry),
    your little giggle that slowly turns into an uncontrollable laugh with a few snorts here and there.

    And so many more reasons that I will tell you all about later, but the biggest reason I love you:
    You make me feel secure. You know that underneath the outer shell of cockyness that I'm actually a little insecure, but you make sure I don't feel that way
    I can't express how grateful I am for that. You also bring out the best in me, you make me want to do my best, in every aspect of life, for you. I think
    that's one of the biggest parts of loving someone.

    Anyway, the point is that on this day of love, I want you to know how I really feel about you, and unfortunately I can't do that for you,
    and I don't know if I ever will, but I'm always gonna try my best, because I love you, so, so, so much. Thank you for being my girl.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    write it in hand. Pen to paper so she can cherish it always.


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