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Thread: How to Proceed?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    How to Proceed?

    We dated for the better part of 2.5 years, the off time being due to her moving away but I eventually convinced her to come back. I am a student, our hometown is about 1.5 hours away by car so our relationship for the most part has been long distance. She decided to go back to school while still working this semester and I am graduating this semester as well. With her work and school schedule I began having doubts because we would only see each other for one night a week and have to either just be with us, my friends, or hers. She noticed me detaching and we talked about it and decided to break up, but I ended up calling her back and telling her we've done long distance before and 4 more months is nothing in the long run. We then tried for 2 weeks but I ended up getting upset because of the inability for us to compromise so we broke up again. A few days after that settled we started talking again and I apologized, telling her the pain killers I'm on has made my judgment clouded but she wouldn't hear it. I know it was my fault either way. She told me she needed a break from us and wanted to be single for a while, work on herself, and possibly experience other people. She said she wants no relationship with anyone, but when I get closer to moving home for good she will allow me to be the first attempt at one, and I can take her out a few times and see how she feels about the possibility of us again.

    I’m just not having the best time in dealing with all of this right now and all I can think about is getting her back and the mistakes I have made to come to this point. I was wondering what any of you thought about the chances of us starting a relationship again when I get closer to moving back are, how to better deal with this time apart and seeing other people, and how I should be interacting with her during this time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    You didn't make a mistake because she was also itching to get out of the relationship. She's going to date others and may well find another love. You will only get a chance if she's still single - and even then she's making no promises. And as it was, the two of you can't compromise so this will still be an issue down the line.

    It's not at all unusual to doubt ourselves after ending a relationship. My advice is to block contact with her - including unfriending her on FB. Explain to her that seeing her online will make it harder for you to manage when she's not your girlfriend. If she gets offended about you unfriending her, simply tell her that if she remains your girlfriend you will have no need to unfriend her. However, if doesn't want a relationship with you then she must do without you in her life.

    Yes, it sounds harsh - but no contact is the way to go. Either 1. she will miss you and want you back or 2. you will both get over each other more easily. But she's certainly not going to miss you and appreciate you if you remain part of her life.
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

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