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Thread: Very strange situation...this is a brain teaser

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Very strange situation...this is a brain teaser

    I recently met a girl about three months ago and starting dating about a month in, so we're going on the third month and feel mutually that we like each other enough to continue the relationship.....and then recently after a week of not seeing each other due to a family trip, she comes back and sat me down, with tears, to tell me that during the trip she did a lot of thinking and is really tired of her current lifestyle (she is in the entertainment business, and rather young), she hates the fact that she has no time to grow herself intellectually or acquire more performance skills to advance her current status, so she wants to cut-off a lot of work and start taking classes or even go abroad short term to learn performance arts, but the problem is, she does not have the money to support what she wants to do, she also has to support her family needs, so being the attractive woman she is and having a lot of suitors, she wants to "superficially date" a rich person to get him to financially support her needs for at least a year, and apparently she has already starting doing so in secret, she has picked a guy that is madly obsessed with her and would give her any financial needs that she needs.

    She decides it's time to tell me all of this because she doesn't want to hurt me any further, and does not expect me to understand nor accept any of it, or want me to financially support her, and suggests that we stop seeing each other. Obviously after hearing all of this I was overwhelmed and shocked, I felt I should just give this girl up and move on, but after some more talk with her, she expressed that she is forcing herself to do this now while she is still young because it will be difficult to take classes or go to school as she gets older (in her line of work), she likes me a lot so she's being honest with me, she cried while talking to me, and said if she had a choice she would be with me and no one else...which leads to my part of her decision, that currently I am not able to support her financially if she was to cut-off work for a year, and that is the truth. I am in my thirties running a company of 30+ that is trying to get over the hump from the start-up stage, I have a lot of confidence in myself going forward, but right now I don't have extra money to support a girlfriend for a year taking classes or going abroad. So after some deep thinking, taking my situation into consideration and that we mutually do like each other a lot, I decided to "support" her goal of becoming a better person and move our relationship underground, while she "superficially dates" another person. The other person does not know I exist nor knows her intentions. It's crazy.

    This is by far the most strange situation I've ever been in, and sometimes I feel like I don't know what I'm doing, but she is a young, pretty, smart, and down-to-earth person, except this dark side of thing that she's doing, so I suppose I don't want to 'give up' on her so easily, and plus I have my own goal to accomplish, to build and run a successful company, so I am not ready to fully take care of a woman regardless. So the situation becomes, she will go see the other person every month in another city (he lives off in another city about 2 hours away) and the rest of the time she spends with me. Yes, I'm basically sharing a woman I like or love with another person.

    So, women on this forum, do you think this girl is being honest with me and herself, or is she manipulating everyone? Any advice to give me? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    RUN! She's working you over.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Cool story bro!
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

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