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Thread: Is he being honest or is this goodbye?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Is he being honest or is this goodbye?

    I have been seeing this guy for awhile. We are not committed and just take on the "go with the flow" approach. No expectations. We see each other a couple times or more a week and text and call daily. Recently he told me he was unsure of what he wanted. He said sometimes he feels like he wants to be in a relationship and other times he does not want a commitment. He said he that we were heading into a relationship and he just did not know if he wanted that. He said he felt confused. After talking a bit ..it was clear he was very confused and did not know what to do. I told him that I could walk away from it if it would make it easier for him. I guess I felt like he may be trying to end things and not really know how or want to hurt me. He said he didn't know about that but to let him think about it and he would get back to me. I said sure. That was 2 weeks ago. He has not said anything about it and at first we would just text a little about random things and not the relationship. Recently... he stopped replaying to my texts. In a group text with him and I on it ... I replied to someones question. The question was about me and the guy I was seeing and I had said that at the moment I could only answer for myself. He called me and asked if I was ok then said he felt what I had texted implied I was mad at him. He then said "which you have every right to be". I said I knew that and then he said that I seemed upset so he would just let me go (meaning get of the phone). I texted him and said that if he wanted to end this with me all he had to do was say so. Since he had not replied to any messages I would just assume that he was done. I also said that I had thought we were better friends than this and that was what made it sad. He never replied. Are we done? I feel as if he wanted me to let it all go..he would not have called me to see if I was mad. Wouldn't he just let me be mad and get over it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I think he just contacted you because he was afraid you're were mad enough that you may start bad mouthing him so he made contact to gauge just how "scorned" a woman you may be.

    You were so passive (even to suggest he tell you if he wanted to end it instead of ending it yourself because he's a indecisive twat who is just leaving a door open in case the new girl he's doing doesn't work out) {That's a guess of course but it's probable quite possible if you didn't talk to him about exclusivity and he's been dating others while seeing you..}

    I suggest you stop being so passive and submissive and you tell him it's over because clearly he's not putting as much value in you as you are in him and you deserve more then the ambiguity and non-commitment that he wants. He's told you that he's not looking to be in a relationship so I'd imagine he'll get back to you once he thinks you've cooled your jets on that front and are back to willingly doing him without the restriction(s) of a full on relationship.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Yes, it's all over now. Shame he couldn't have been more direct about it all...perhaps he was too embarrassed about his own behaviour to speak with you.

    Oh well, there's plenty of more fish and all that.
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    He said he that we were heading into a relationship and he just did not know if he wanted that.
    In other words... It sounds like he just wants a fvck buddy. That's what "go with the flow" kinda means.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

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