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Thread: Should I stay or should I go?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Should I stay or should I go?

    I have been seeing this guy for awhile. Everything has been going well. Awhile back he sent me a text that said " I have to check on my chick". This is in relation to my previous text that had asked him what he was doing after work. I knew it had to be a typo. So I said " oh you got another chick huh? " His response was " Sorry I meant to say kids". I didn't sweat this I knew it was nothing. I playfully said " you know everyone has got someone on the side " Thats my sense of humor and he knows it. His responses after that indicated that he KNEW that I did. I went along and played saying " Oh ya...I do " He kept saying he knew I did. I don't have anyone else and that should be apparent since I only see him. Plus we talked about us seeing no one else. I told him that he was my only one and he replied with "lies". He called after that and we talked as we normally did. I figured it he was just kidding with the lies comment because he often does. The next day he tells me he is all over the place with his feelings. He said he was not sure what he wanted. He felt like at times he wanted to be in a relationship but that he did not want to jump right in. I wondered why he would tell me this as I knew there was no pressure for us to determine what we were. I told him that no one should just jump into a relationship and thats why you date and figure out what you want. He said he understood that then said that at times he feels like he is confused because he sometimes does not want to be committed. My reaction (which I kept to myself) was "who is asking for a commitment?" I asked him what was making him feel that way and he said that he often felt bad if he could not see me at times or call or text me and he felt like it bothered me. He has two kids and has recently had the visitation changed to where he has them more than before. I have never had a problem with this and never was bothered by what he could not do ..be it see me or call or text. I told him I have never been mad at that before and it was not an issue. He said he just felt like he had so much on his plate right now and sometimes felt like he was not making the right choices. He looked distraught and a little sad. I felt that maybe he was trying to end this but didn't know how or maybe even felt bad doing it. I asked if he wanted to just stop seeing each other and he said " No. I don't know". Then I told him that if it made things easier... I could walk away from this." I do like him and I do have feelings for him. But seeing him look like he did... I just wanted to let him know that it was okay to do what needed to be done. He said " I don't even know. I want you but.... let me think about this. I need to seriously think about what I want.". I said " okay ". He said he would get back to me. We remained friendly while he was thinking. We would text silly random things but never talk about "it". One day he randomly said he had so much to do. I thought he was talking about work but he said it had to do with his son's school and " a bunch of other shit". This was random and had nothing to do with our convo. I wondered if perhaps he thought he had to say it so I wouldn't wonder why he could not see me or get back to me on what he said he needed to think about. I told him I was sorry he had so much on his plate and then I told him that I really did understand why he could not see me anymore and that he did not have to worry about it or about me feeling bad. He did not reply. He has replied all day to messages with in a few minutes.... but after 3 hours of being silent... I thought something was wrong. I asked if he was ok and then said that I was sorry if that offended him somehow but I was only trying to be supportive. There was no reply. I have no idea why that made him silent. Before I left work that day I texted him saying obviously something was wrong.... and he responded saying nothing was wrong he was just trying to finish up work so he could pick up his son.

    I have left this alone. I have not talked to him about anything. It's been almost 2 weeks since he said he needed to think and about 4 days since that last incident. Should I ask him what the deal is or should I just let it go?

    I would like to think that he was being honest about his feelings as he would have no reason to lie.... I don't know if him thinking I had another caused all this to happen because him saying what he said seemed to come out of no where.

    Was this his way of ending things?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Probably he's pursing someone else and wants to see how it goes with her before he breaks up with you altogether.

    ... or ... He's reconciling with his wife but is keeping you hanging until he finds out how that's going to pan out...

    ... or ...

    It could just be what he is saying to you that he has too much else going on with his kids and stuff and he doesn't have enough time to keep a relationship nutured the way it should be. Its not fun but rather added pressure.

    Stop bugging him and just get on with your life NOT waiting around for him while he figures himself out or; YOU just end it because so far you've been so passive and willing to accept his crumbs that it's rather embarrassing to be honest.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

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