“Five days after my partner moved out, I was a wreck. I gave him everything, my heart, my soul and my mind. After grieving and questioning myself about what went wrong and how could he leave me? I found AphroditiesWish. Through the aid of this magic key I have re-discovered myself, my goals and my aspirations. I got my life back, my cheerfulness back, my contribution and recognition. AphroditiesWish gave me a step by step plan for how to heal my emotional trauma and communicate to men that I’m worth it. I now know how to communicate who I am, what I need and what I expect from a man in a way he understands. I learned that a strong woman is much more desirable than a woman who routinely sacrifices herself and I now have a wonderful relationship with a high quality man. It is true that all change begins in one’s own mind and AphroditiesWish gave me exactly how to do it.”

Who is this post for?
The woman whose:
• Confused, pissed off, hurt, embarrassed for allowing it to move as fast as it had and for telling all the close friends I’d met “the Guy.”
• A woman going through a breakup and wanting to recapture his attention
• In a relationship confused and getting mixed signals
• insecurities of doing it wrong prevent her from attracting the right man

The woman asking herself:
• How do I send clues?
• What to do when he takes you for granted
• Why do men take nice girls for granted
• How to find a guy when you don’t have time to meet people
• How to tell if he’s serious about the relationship
• What’s going to prevent him from leaving me?
• Why are men so romantic in the beginning and why do they change
• Why do men take nice girls for granted?
• What to do on a date?
• What drives men away from me?

What you get (Benefits):
• How to recognize and correct communication problems effortlessly
• Improve self esteem
• Cultivate a positive self-image and accept/appreciate yourself
• How to deal with depression
• Get more living out of life

There is a thinking substance from which all things are made:
“There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.
Every thought of form, held in thinking Substance, causes the creation of the form, but always, or at least generally, along lines of growth and action already established.
A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.
Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.”
-The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles

Why this post?
This week I asked my crush how her weekend was. She told me she went home and that it was “good,” “fun,” and overall “fine.” I pondered these words for a long time. The extent of the emotional fabric to her life was summed up in good, fun and fine.
The truth is that speech produces images and the consistent images impressed upon the subconscious mind are the fabrics of reality. The expansivity of your reality lies in the multitude and intensity of the IMAGES OF YOUR MIND. These images are locked in and triggerd by habitual speech.

People with impoverished vocabularies have impoverished emotional lives. People with rich vocabularies have a multi-heud palatte of colors with which to paint and share the aesthetic beauty, emotion, significance of their lives and sense impressions.
The words you consistently select shape your reality
My crush isn’t the only one struggling with words. I found myself stumbling with descriptors of a passionate emotional encounter and I realized we all need a lesson in the power of words and how they truly shape the reality of our minds and the realities we share with others. What if instead my crush had described the “wonderful” smell of her mother’s signature dish, the “sweet melody,” of her sisters “chiming,” voice or the “soft” furry cuddle of her childhood dog?

Emotional experiences and descriptive words
The words we use capture our feelings, justify our actions and move us towards action. Words have the power to touch us, transform us, inspire us and destroy us. The first step in understanding and using the power of words in transforming and empowering others is to understand and empower ourselves with words. What words do you habitually use to describe situations and respond to statements? What words do you use to describe your deepest emotional states?
Every human being has the following needs:
a) Certainty
b) Variety
c) Significance
d) Connection/Love
e) Growth
f) Emotional Texture
If I was to tell you that the duration, extent and ability to meet, fulfill and experience these needs depends upon the richness of your vocabulary, would you believe me?

The words you speak to yourself in your mind dictate how you process reality.

How to get more emotion out of life?

Emotional Texture refers to a variety of states to feel (see value hierarchical engineering). These “states,” are triggered and imprinted upon the nervous system BY THE WORDS WE SPEAK WHILE IN THE STATE. A state of gratitude can be re-called through the associative meaning and description of the words of gratitude. Take the time now to brainstorm the words that come to mind when looking at the following list of words. Does a particular song come to mind? A hook? An image or experience? Can you describe this experience in full texture?
1. Recognition
2. Cheerfulness
3. Confidence
4. Excitement
5. Gratitude
6. Boldness
7. Flexibility
8. Connection
9. Determination
10. Love and Warmth

If I asked you to describe a time when you felt cheerful and you told me of a time that felt “good,” “fun,” and “fine.” YOU ARE NOT ALONE. The majority of people LIVE EMPOVERISHED EMOTIONAL LIVES because they HAVE LIMITED DESCRIPTIVE VOCABULARIES.

The funny thing is that most people have a slew of descriptive words and references when asked to recall a negative emotional state. Try this, journal on what comes to mind when looking at the following words.
1. Hurt
2. Inadequacy
3. Rejection
4. Frustration
5. Fear
6. Disappointment
7. Depression
Man is the accumulation of millions of repetitious thoughts impressed upon the subconscious mind (2). Determine the way you’d like to feel then develop the vocabulary, repeated over and over again to get you to unconsciously where you’d like to be. If you hate feeling like shit. Start being peeved about feeling disenchanted and see how YOUR REALITY CHANGES.
Confidence, self-image and the internal dialogue
The most attractive thing a woman can be and have is a positive self-image. Men are magnetically attracted to the woman who knows her self-worth and has a certain sparkle in her eyes. This sparkle is created by the positive repetitious thoughts she gives herself, this sparkle is a matter of dialogue.

“Self-talk creates reality.”
-Neville Goddard

To become confident and develop a radiant self-image CEASE SPEAKING POORLY TO YOURSELF and IMMEDIATELY BEGIN TO CHANGE YOUR HABITS. Speak to yourself and re-affirm your values. E.g “NAME, relax. I love you, you are wonderful and I recognize your significance and beauty today.” This sounds ridiculous, because people think that their identity is reliant on THE WORDS of other people. If you are beautiful, tell yourself you are. If you are not beautiful, tell yourself you are.

“Everything is energy.”

Man is the accumulation of millions of repetitious thoughts. Some beautiful women feel “shy,” and don’t want to appear “stuck up,” so they speak poorly to themselves internally and never break out with wide confident smiles, shoulders back and sexual energy characteristic of their nature. They never learn that it’s okay to love yourself. You are not your body, you are a part of infinite intelligence, and consciousness is energy. Learn to love and respect your body as the vessel for your conscious energy. Everything is energy and although animal sense perception puts borders separating the object from its environment, this is not true. You are an energy and that energy is what must be cultivated to live a vibrant life. This energy is emotion, this emotion is triggered, locked in and amplified by your body. The body is moved by the words we use to describe it. Instead of telling yourself “I feel shy,” tell yourself “I feel confident, I am confident, Confidence is Me.” Speak to yourself with emotion and physiological gestures of certainty until your state is amplified and UNTIL YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND ACCEPTS THESE FACTS AS REALITY.

State induction and word selection
The words you habitually choose affect the intensity, brevity, uniqueness and texture of the emotional experiences felt on a daily basis [1]. If you use the same words to describe new—and by definition—unique emotional experiences, they become “normalized,” and life takes on a “same shit, different day,” feeling. The words my crush had used in describing her visit home tells me she viewed it as a normalized encounter, she failed to capture the richness, the uniqueness of life and living. And although this experience was never nothing, what if this experience was the last of their lives? What if everything changed after this and mother was no longer there? Then would she have wished she had developed new linguistic patterns to capture the uniqueness and special aspects of every breath of her experience?

New language patterns create life, new perceptions, new attitudes and richer emotional experiences.

Emotional states of both pain and pleasure can be induced, amplified and damped by our internal dialogue. If you are feeling depressed, rejected, hurt and you begin asking yourself disempowering questions filled with emotionally linked words such as, “I’m such an idiot, everyone probably things I’m stupid. I feel like absolute shit today,” your state is going to be amplified and locked in. Yet if instead you change your emotion-linking vocabulary and descriptive linguistics this disappointment can be damped and a new state amplified. For example, “I lacked the skills necessary today and although every probably feels a bit disenchanted by my performance. I feel like absolute abundance! So how can I turn this whole thing all around?”
What just happened?
It’s called a pattern interrupt. By describing the event with more detail the event becomes damped and susceptible to a break. The break comes with the emotionally conditioned word “abundance,” which induces the state of confidence, gratitude, certainty and flexibility.

Why do some many people love to swear?
It’s because swearing amplifies our states. People only ever learn the swear words that amplify negative states yet fail to learn to empowering words that amplify the positive emotions.

Priming and certainty

We are creatures of habit. Each habit follows a pattern. The pattern is this: stimulus, action, reward. The stimulus can be a thought, question, image, song, person or location. The action might be another thought, another question or a behavior. The reward locks the stimulus with the action and can be either positive (addition of a stimulus) or negative (reduction of a stimulus). The reward is often the addition of a positive emotional state or the reduction of a negative emotional state. To become confident, certain, abundant, happy or loved all you have to do is design your habits. We are creatures of habit and we cannot get away from this but we can however learn to master our nature and lock in and amplify positive emotional experiences of life. Start by defining how you want to feel (refer to my post on the emotional significance of value engineering) the create simple, stupid, fun stimuli to induce these states. If you want to feel more confident and cheerful your stimulus could be a question embedded with emotional linker words, “wouldn’t it be comical to walk straight up to that man grinning like a looney toon?” Define how you want to feel then start telling yourself who you are. “Arrrggg. I’m feeling looney, like a looney toon.” Argg, I’m feeling looney, like a looney toon! See how this differs from telling yourself you feel like shit for 3 hours straight? Get yourself in state by developing the words and images that correspond with confidence, cheerfulness, recognition, gratefulness. The subconscious mind is the connection with universal intelligence and is TRAINED THROUGH THE HABIT OF EMOTIONALIZED AUTOSUGGESTION. Arrg, I’m feeling loony like a loony toon!

Thoughts are things. Everything is energy. There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. By changing our thinking patterns we can change our realities, relationships, body, self-image and destiny. People love to swear because it heightens their significance and emotional experience. The law of increasing life dictates that all people, thought and actions are aimed at increasing life and living. By changing the words you use, describing events with descriptive linguistics and priming key words to induce emotional states of power you can become fuller of life. This fullness of life is an energy that permeates all things and will attract people, places and circumstances to you.

1. Tony Robbins Awaken the Giant Within
2. Man: King of mind, body and Circumstance
3. The science of getting rich by Wallace Wattles