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Thread: Missed Connection Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Missed Connection Advice

    First off...I want to say this is my first post and I guess I'm looking for advice. First, I want to tell the story...sorry for the grammatical errors!

    So, a few months ago...I took my grandfather to the emergency room. He was just having a bunch of congestion and sometimes his breathing would be a little rough. Nothing dire but he was a little worried. Anyways, while we were just sitting there waiting for results from some tests, I decided to go to the lobby to use the bathroom and get some water (I am a guy btw). I came to a double door that had no handle and right beside it was the huge desk area surrounded in glass. The girl, who was roughly the same age as I and very pretty said waived your hand over the black box and the doors will open. So I walk up to the door and there is a black box over the door...as I was reaching up...I realized...oh this is not the right box...so I quickly turn to the right box on the side of the wall. I wave and it opens but I look back at the girl and we started laughing because she totally saw me goof up. So I go get some water and come back. Later, the doctor had to use the room so I had to stand outside the room and wait. As I was waiting, the girl was walking in the hall and she passes me and we both made some sarcastic door jokes to each other while having huge smiles. As the night progresses, I'm sitting in the room and she comes in and starts talking to grandpa and my mother who was with me and she kept looking at me and cutting up with us but me in particular. The last time I saw her, I went back to the lobby to throw something away, and I stop at the double door, wave my hand over the box and the door opens (she's now sitting at the very opposite edge of the desk) and we both turn our heads and just give each other that huge smile. The kind of smile when you are into someone. I know you might think, oh she might have just been smiling at you...but I've been around a lot of girls. I have had a lot of interactions, and I know that body language she was giving me was definitely the "I'm into you" kind. Also, not to mention, my mother after we left was saying she thought that girl was way into me.

    Now the dilemma. I thought in my head while I was there, I should just go and give her my number...but she's at work...in the ER...and there is multiple co-workers around...and I had a sick grandfather.....so I didn't. I know now, I should have. But she's been in my mind ever since and its been months but I don't want to be that creepy guy. I just want to have coffee with her and see if there was anything there. There's a good chance she might not remember me...but if she was at least feeling the moment like I was...maybe she does? Any advice how to reach out to her? I know the whole "let it go" scenario...because I'm literally doing that now but I thought about taking a chance?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    None of your business
    Sometimes it's hard to just 'let it go' I've been in that situation where you meet someone and think "oh their nice, I like them" but the nerves get in the way (or well they do for me) I'm not really one for knowing what to do in these situations and probably won't be much help. But I know how hard it can be when you have feelings for someone, even with all the signs. I just wanted to wish you luck in what ever you decide to do, as I know how difficult it can be to have someone on your mind and not do anything about it, there's always the "what if" questions. If it's meant to be you'll find a way to see her again and talk... I hope you find the answer your looking for...
    💗💕 The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to LOVE and be LOVED in return... 💕💗 [Moulin Rouge]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    Like anonymous26, I too can very much relate.

    Unfortunately, though I know this isn't necessarily the advice you want to hear, I think moving on may really be your best bet. I mean, you say it has been months since your interaction with her. Maybe it just me, but I kind of think it would seem weird to just suddenly show up at the hospital again and ask her out now.

    I will say this, if by some chance you ran into her again, then I'd say no harm in going for it. Sort of just like "Oh hey! I remember you! Hey, would you like to go out some time?"

    I mean, if you told us this happened yesterday, I'd maybe say you go back to the hospital and just say something like "Hey, I was visiting my grandpa yesterday so I kinda felt weird about asking at the time, but I wanted to know if you'd like to go out some time." But, the fact that you say it's been months now, I think it would be a little weird to just suddenly pop in to ask her out. "Hey, remember me some random guy from months ago amongst the hundreds you probably see per day?"

    Don't get me wrong, I definitely understand how you feel. I've done that myself, missing an opportunity to talk to a gal or ask her out or whatever. Afterwards you are really kicking yourself.

    So, my personal advice would be to forget it for now and move on. Hopefully another gal will come along and you can take that as a life lesson to not let the opportunity slip you by. Who knows? Maybe fate will somehow put you two back together again and you can make your move then.

    Still, I'm absolutely no expert in this field. So, it could be entirely possible others would disagree with me and recommend you just go for it anyway. I can't say, so perhaps others may have advice of their own to offer you, whether it matches mine or not.

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