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Thread: Got beaten up last night, don't think he cares..or does he? Confused

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Got beaten up last night, don't think he cares..or does he? Confused

    Hi all,

    I am in seek of genuine advice as I'm very confused. I met this guy back in May. We got on well and have had four dates. He always drives down to see me every time and takes me out and drops me back off home. He even introduced me to his best friend and best friends wife on our first date and we all went out together. I met him yesterday and we both went out to a lake had a lovely evening. He told me he has feelings for me and likes Me a lot.

    I didn't hear from him till today afternoon, he text me saying he's had a car accident. Last night just after I got in, someone broke into my house and when I was trying to defend myself I got hit quiet badly and now I'm bruised up. I text him n told him n sent him pics of my bruises, he didn't respond back. He had read the messages as according to the read receipts. So seeing the fact that he has had a car accident, I tried to call him. He didn't answer. So I text him asking him if he is okay. He text back saying that he is fuc*** and he has hurt his runs chest and legs. I asked him if he's serious and in hospital he said no n that he's home. I text him asking him what happened n he didn't reply. I kinda got upset that he didn't ask me how I am ? Okay I understand he's had an accident but I got badly hurt last night and am v badly bruised n cut on my lip. N he is able to text so he should have at least cared to ask me how I am ? I sent him a last text, telling him that I hope he gets well soon n that I will leave him to it and that I am unwell myself, nor that he cared to ask n put "see ya" on the end. Do you think I am being petty about him not asking me how I am? After the break in last night? N him not asking does he not really care about me? I'm a bi confused because he was saying he has strong feelings. N yesterday when I told him that I have butterflies in my stomach. He text back saying "that's love" which I didn't get w chance to respond to as the break in happened right after.

    What should I do and am I right to feel upset about this? Am I being petty ? N I should I just leave him to it. N take a step back seeing as he didn't even care to ask how I am. My four year old son saw all this, n I was trying to protect him too n got very badly hurt. I'm
    Just upset that he's not even asked once how we both are.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    You had four dates with him and then he had a car accident and you got beat and robbed. You have a four year old that is probably very upset and I think you should be concentrating on healing yourself and keeping your wee one from freaking out.

    You are far too invested in what someone says on the first couple of meets. Its certainly too soon to be believing that someone has TRUE "feelings" for you after that short of a time.

    Look out better for yourself and your son then to be worrying about someone's feelings for you after meeting them once.

    Yes... forget about him and let him go. You might think about meeting stranger men in a public place where he won't immediately know where you live as well. (you said he has always picked you up from your home and dropped you back there) For all you know of him, he had someone rob you while they knew you were out with him and you got home too soon and interrupted him. ????
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    When was his car accident? If it just so happens that it was the same day you were texting him about your ordeal, then his mind may have just been a little pre-occupied with his own stuff. I do understand how you feel. I mean, for the record, I don't care what is going on with me, if my girlfriend (or whatever exactly you two are right now) told me she had been mmugged, I'd instantly forget whatever was currently happening to me and want to see her to make sure she was okay. That's me, though. It is entirely possible he just figured you obviously would tell him if you weren't okay and/or needed help. He had his own drama going on currently.

    Now, I don't know the specifics of how you and this fella met, but Wakeup makes a really good point. Do you know this chap well enough to be sure he didn't have anything to do with your break-in/robbery? Maybe his car accident was a lie. The person that robbed you, were they masked or did you actually see them? Even if it wasn't actually him, who's to say he wasn't involved?

    Granted, it could just as easily be completely a coincidence. Break-ins happen. It is still a good point, though. How well do you know this guy? How well did you know him when you first revealed your home address? You should perhaps be a bit more careful.

    For now, if you feel you may want to continue a relationship with him, then maybe give him time and see how things go. For now, as Wakeup said, I think you honestly have more important concerns.

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