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Thread: I love my best friend. What should I do??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    I love my best friend. What should I do??

    So I've been friends with this girl for like 6 years no and about 2 1/2 yrs ago I started to really like her. She is actually one of my best friends in our close friend group so I have never said anything because I don't want to ruin our relationship as friends or make it awkward within the group. Everyone tells me to take a chance, but I don't think she's that interested in me by how she acts and recently, I feel like she is trying to ignore me, but I don't know it may just be her.

    I love this girl so much. She is the most beautiful, talented, funniest, and all around most awesome girl (and I'm not just saying that from that "girl crush" mindset that a lot of people get when they have a crush). I will do anything for this girl because she's one of my best friends and I love her.
    I also have bad acne that I have been trying to treat for years and I just started a big light/and several medication treatment. I have been embarrassed to talk to her recently and I try to avoid her on days that my cystic acne is very bad to avoid embarrassment. I hate it so much because acne has been controlling my life in this way for three years now and I haven't been able to be me. I feel hat because of that, she might not see who I really am although we are good friends. It's a little hard to explain in writing, but if your in a similar situation, you can understand.

    Recently, I feel as though she has been annoyed with me and somewhat ignoring me. I don't know why though. Maybe she thinks I like her and she doesnt like me back so she's trying to avoid talking to me all together which is stressing me out and making me upset because I love her so much and I cant stop thinking about her and I cant even talk to her. I am currently in the middle of a strong acne treatment regiment that will last for a couple of months.
    I love this girl so much and I am constantly thinking about her. I feel that I am losing her as a friend which is tearing me apart. She is the most beautiful girl in my eyes and she is extremely talented and is all around the coolest girl I know. I would do anything for this girl and I would go to the ends of the earth for her.We are both going off to college in a couple months which makes this all so much worse. Does anyone have any advice??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    For girls is more important a friendship than a relationship. She probably is not feeling the same things for you, but there are girls that use to fall in love of their friends.

    Just tell her that she should be your girlfriend or that best friends kiss are the best, we should try; and see how does she reacts if the reaction is good go ahead and if donīt just tell her that you was kidding. Just flirt with her.

    If you donīt try you will never find out if she likes you or not…. Just give it a shot, but donīt say to her that you love her and that you canīt live without her and any stuffs like that!!! You have to seduce her and try to kiss her, if you can kiss her that means that she likes you too!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    I think Attractagirltip had some great advice there. I will disagree with one little thing. I don't think I'd say you should go for a kiss. Not unless you were detecting some serious signals that she wanted that. That could very well upset her if she doesn't feel the same way.

    Now, I may be wrong, but it sounds to me like it would be difficult for you to continue to just be her friend. You obviously want more than that. Sometimes, you can want to be more then friends, but yet be okay if that doesn't happen. It doesn't sound to me like you fall under that category. Correct me if I am wrong, but it sounds like not only do you want to be more than friends with her, but that if that doesn't happen and you remain just friends with her, you are likely to remain hung up in wishing you could be more than friends.

    So, that being the case I think your course of action is pretty clear. You need to talk to her about it.

    Once again, I agree with Attract that you shouldn't confess your feelings to her. At least not in full. You've been friends for so long that this could make her uncomfortable. In fact, Attract's advice about starting to flirt a little could be a great way to test the waters. Start to flirt a little bit, just innocent at first. Nothing too bold or forward, but enough to hint that it isn't necessarily something you'd probably do if you just thought of her as a friend. Her reaction to that may tell you what you need to know.

    Though, whether you do try that or not, I think you do need to go for it and ask her out. Yes, you are right that it could make her uncomfortable, could hinder the friendship, could change things among the group. At the same time, though, it could work out. You'll never know if you don't try. Not to mention, if you don't try, you are probably going to just remain stuck on this girl for a long time, not asking her out, but not giving yourself the opening to meet anybody else either.

    You'd be better off knowing. If it winds up not going well and you loser her as a friend, that would be a shame, but it is better than liking her in secret and having to live with that.

    Also, just out of curiosity, you mention that you feel she's seemed a little more distant lately. Can you define what specifically it is that has changed? What does she do differently that you consider her being distant? Also, did it maybe start after something happened? Like, maybe you gave her reason to think you liked her as more than a friend even if you didn't necessarily mean to show that?

    Anyway, good luck to you. I hope it works out with this girl, but if it doesn't, just know that just means your true match is still out there looking for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Indonesia, jawa barat
    I agree. Talk to her. But if she doesnt have the same feeling then just try to forget her. If you cant, just pretending you forget her infront of her. Example like you talking about the other girl to her, tell her that you love this new girl. And i think after that everything will be normal again cause she thinks you dontlove her anymore. But i hope she has the same feeling like you have for her. Good luck

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