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Thread: He wants to take it slow and see what happens, because he thinks it has gone to fast?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    He wants to take it slow and see what happens, because he thinks it has gone to fast?

    Ok so i met this really nice guy he told me from the start that he wants a relationship and that he knew he liked me as soon as he met me. We have only been on 3 dates and talk every single day theres definatley a spark there and we have a lot in common and we instantly clicked and felt compfortable around eachother, and we are very attracted to eachother but it's not about sex. All his friends know about me and I have even met some family members. So are last date was great he sang me a song on his guitar we went got food then went ciname, he asked me if I wanted to meet his mate and his gf for a drink but I was like meh so we watched a bit of t.v then I headed home so that was on the thursday. Then on the saturday he was spending the night with the lads drinking and gamen and watching a match that was on at 3 in the morning, so I never heard from him that night or the morning so on sunday evening i text him saying whats going on and he explained he was up till 6 and he was hungover all day which is understandable but then I went all scary mary and said "if this is one sided ill back of i can't keep making the effort anymore haha" why did i say that he replied "I don't want to rush anything im just playing it cool and taking it slow there no rush is there? see what happens xxxx" so I replied all chilled "yea me too thats what i want hope i didnt put pressure on you" he replied ohnestly i did feel a bit pressured or like it was going to fast and thats why i slowed it right down ye know" so i said yea totally know what you mean it's all good and he was like cool sorry anyway. So now I don't know what to think, I mean taking it slow is a good thing right? specially because i was in a pretty bad relationship last year and he was in a 4 year relationship. Is he trying to fade away and dissapear? I don't even wanna talk to him now because I'm afraid of somthing akward being said I should obviosly wait until he asks me out again. Do guys not take is fast if they meet a girl there into?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Taking it slow is not a bad thing but it's also OK to each other's company so much that you want to see each other frequently. I wouldn't worry too much this early on, but do take note as to how often he's unable to see you because of hangover and a late night on the night before. If it happens more often than what you are comfortable with, then you might need a different guy.

    You also need figure out by observation if for him "taking it slow" means "you are somewhat low in my priorities"

    Lastly, I would suggest that you don't wait around for him. Let him know that it's cool if he wants to take it slow, but while he's not committed to you, you will keep seeing other people.
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

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