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Thread: What do I do??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    What do I do??

    Hi I have been going with my girlfriend on and off for 1 and a half years now. we broke up in March this year but continued to see each other. I have 2 kids from a previous relationship. I stay with my kids one night a week to spend time with them. My girlfriend was fine with this. I got back together with my girlfriend in May officially. So I booked a holiday for me and her to spain for a week. So we went to Spain and had a good time( so I thought). But since we got back my girlfriend was in a strange humour with me. It was like she wasn't happy. It was my birthday and she didn't even get me a card. That is strange for her because she goes overboard at buying presents for me tbh. For a few weeks she wouldn't let me go near her as in kiss her or cuddle her. But I put that down to her mothers death annaversy that was comming up. We planed on getting married since before we went away. So anyway she rang me last week and said to call up. So I did and she said that she doesn't want to be with me anymore because she is to upset over me stayin in my kids house because my ex is there. She told me to choose either staying with my kids or her. I got annoyed because I can't let my kids down and if I didn't Id loose the woman I love. So I told her when I get a place to live that I wud stop staying with my kids and that they could stay with me. I am currently saving for my own place which I wil have by the end of September. She said that was not good enough and left me. We had a few talks about everything but she has made it clear we are over and there is no going back. So then she asked me to call up to get my things from her place so I did. One thing led to another and we ended up in bed. She tells me that nothing has changed and we are over still. I said ok and when I was leaving she asked me to stay the night. I said no because I didn't want to wake up and be upset in front of her. She then accused me of using her for sex which I never did. This woman is the love if my life and I am loosing her. She is giving me mixed signals and I don't know what to do. She can't be ok with me staying with my kids one night a week until I get my own place to bring them in a few weeks. But I can't just blank my kids until then either. There is no getting around her and I can't move on without her. Does anybody have any advice that they could share with me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Sorry but your gf is being such a biatch! Does she seriously think you are going to give up seeing your kids once a week because of her jealousy to your ex wife? If that's the case, why doesn't she offer her home for you and your kids to stay once a week?

    If you give in to what she is asking now, then that will give her more power and ammunition to ask for something much bigger in the future like give up supporting your kids or something. Do you really want to be with a woman who is so fukced in the head to even ask you of such a thing plus play games with you by having sex, asking you to sleep over, then accusing you of using her for sex while she throws your ass on the curb because she didn't get what she wants?!

    What's wrong with your place that your children cannot stay there while you have them?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    She wanted me to move in with her a month ago but doesn't want to get to know my kids as she thinks it will be orquard for her and them. My kids would not accept me being with some one else either so they would automatically dislike her even though I know they would get along with her. So I can't bring them there. I'm currently living back in my mothers so I can save some money and sort out a new place to live. My mothers is very over crowded at the moment and there is no room for me alone without bringing tha kids out there. The problem my girlfriend has is with my ex but me and my ex are friends and that's it. When I say friends I mean we get along for the kids sake. But there is no attraction between us at all and my girlfriend knows that. My girlfriend even bought her a present for her birthday. So I don't know why she is doing this and I am not going to give up my kids for anyone. She says it upsets her when I'm up with the kids because she is thinking there is something going on behind her back. She basically doesn't trust me at all no matter what I say she won't believe me. I have never given her a reason to doubt me. I said that i wouldn't back down from this because I have done nothing wrong and she won't back down either. I have tried to talk to her today about things and she said its over and there is no comming from this and she has been saying tha to me for the past few days now. So I told her I miss her and wanted to see her and she said no and txted me saying that we are finished and we won't be getting back together ever so I txted back sayin ok and I'll leave her alone from now on if tha is what she wants. So then she txted me saying tha we can meet later on and talk but it's not going to change. So I said no it's ok why should I talk about things if her mind is made up. Now she wants to meet up and spend some time together when she finishes work. So I really don't know where I stand and what she is trying to do here all I know is that I love her.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    She's playing games with you. Be firm on your decision not to give up on your kids and let her know that unless she's willing to compromise with you, you're done talking. She's behaving like a typical woman, playing hard but at the same time, trying to scratch your balls so she'll get what she wants.

    - - - Updated - - -

    You can tell her that you love her and that you can see yourself in the future with her and your kids but no woman can get in the way between you and your children and if she loves you, she will understand that, otherwise, you're done with the relationship. Your time with your children is part of the package that she simply has to accept, like it or not.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Thanks for the advice. You are right and I am sticking to it. She will have to accept me and my kids or none of us at all thank you

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    You're making the right decision Lovehurts. While I can understand her wanting you to not sleep at your ex wife's house, her unwillingness to compromise is not acceptable.

    Do not meet or or keep her in your life unless she's open to compromise and getting to know your kids. No social media contact either.
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

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