I fear telling someone I love them when I do not know if they feel the same and being hurt if they do not.
I fear finding a deceased body in a public bathroom.
I fear spiders in my hair.
I fear telling someone I love them when I do not know if they feel the same and being hurt if they do not.
I fear finding a deceased body in a public bathroom.
I fear spiders in my hair.
Off the question you asked in the previous thread I replied on that would be a fear. Getting pregnant before I was ready in all ways to have a child and definitely before marriage. I have a lot of friends who are struggling quit school because of this and the guy who impregnated them took off and of course is able to live his life and finish his education properly. They all seem miserable and if they could go back they would to a restart point. Not saying they don't love their kids but it's a ruiner for sure.
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I forgot to post an irrational fear I have which is there are bugs in my food.
I always examine my food at restaurants or take out for bugs lol the thought I might eat a bug sickens me ( and I know I have in the past so I fully examine food not cooked at home)
Fear [URL=https://www.loveforum.net/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=1]#1[/URL] : Drowning;
Fear [URL=https://www.loveforum.net/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=2]#2[/URL] : Failure, but not just a fear of failure, a fear of looking stupid while failing; and
Fear [URL=https://www.loveforum.net/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=3]#3[/URL] : Filling up on savory items at an all-you-can-eat Buffet before they bring out the dessert trays.
Thank you to each of you.
It would be scary to find out you were pregnant and still young and unprepared and also to suffer a drowning too.
I sometimes fear choking in public. From drinking or eating and throwing up because of it and others around me staring at me throughout.
Not being able to get to someone I love before they die. Could be from dying from an illness, old age, or an accident.
Going to the dentist!
Always fear I'll lose or break off a tooth too.
I dislike the dentist as well. Happy I never had braces as a kid.
I fear eating store bought potato salads and pasta cold salads. I think they are all gone off and are bad and make you ill from both ends. I don't need food poisoning.
Dark storm clouds. Realised this yesterday lol
Terrorists which is a rational fear ( now!!).
Germs off public bathrooms.
I have lots of fears
rational: cancer, dying young, terrorism.
having nightmares in my sleep, something bad happening to my partner or child.
irrational: paranormal forces, ghosts, demons etc a bad storm that will blow the roof off my house or an earthquake, tsunami etc
I am also terrified of rats.
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And I wont go into the sea water due to fear of sharks but I also wouldn't go into a lake or river etc due to fear of everything. I hate the fact that I canmot see whats happening around me or underneath me etc
dontaskme, you can f*ck off right now. Stop pulling your ignorance from previous threads into this one. I am not shocked that it's American people on these boards who don't bother researching information. You probably get your facts from Fox News. You are 50-60 times more likely to be shot by a cop than to be attacked by a terrorist, simply because there are way more cops out there than terrorists and WAY more deaths by cop violence than terrorism. Below are a few citations for you, why don't you read them and tell me again that I'm an idiot?
[url=http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/03/youre-55-times-likely-killed-police-officer-terrorist.html]You’re 55 Times More Likely to be Killed by a Police Officer than a Terrorist | Washington's Blog[/url]
[url=http://thefreethoughtproject.com/u-s-citizens-58-times-killed-police-terrorists/]A U.S. Citizen is 58 Times More Likely to be Killed by a Police Officer than a Terrorist | The Free Thought Project[/url]
[url=http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-terrorism-statistics-every-american-needs-to-hear/5382818]The Terrorism Statistics Every American Needs to Hear | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization[/url]
Are you really that obtuse? You give me a link re: cop killing from a website or editorial that is obviously anti-cops, wtf! Is that how you prove your statement, lol.
Sorry melancholia, you are once again talking out of your ass!
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And the Washington post editorial, who are reviewing the data to make sure they are accurate? I guess you didn't get your Ph.D. On that one.