My parents tell me I am spoiled, because I don't work and live at home with them. I do, things around the house hold and they do pay me for that line of work. No I am not attending school but I have been looking for work, applying to places, while living and working at home. But again my parents think I am spoiled, to me spoiled means, those bratty kids or adults WHO WANT IT NOW. Or who spend money like it's water everyday or they go out everyday etc. I rarely go out and I rarely spend money. If I do ever go out I try to save money as much as possible but yet they say I am spoiled. When they tell me this type of stuff, it makes me feel bad that I don't even want to do anything in general but just stay at home. And even staying at home they consider to be spoiled. It's like nothing I do is right, everything I do is wrong.