So we work together and have a college class together. Thats how we started talking. At first, it was pretty casual conversation, like any friends would.

Now we text/snapchat about 5-8 hrs close to everyday, id say 5 days a week. Every time she goes to the school computer lab, shes always asking me to come, so i go cause usually i have work to be done there too, just due a different day. We've hung out a couple of times outside of school, like she always asks if i wanna come over, but for reasons right now, i gotta turn it down sometimes.

She has blonde hair and is obsessed with it and said she would never to anything to it. I had mentioned a few weeks ago that she should dye it Black just because. I was just curious how she would look with a completely different color hair. She said no cause she said she loves her hair too much. Well, last night she dyed it black and said she did it because i had asked.

Obviously based on what i said, it sounds like there's no doubt, right. I've been in friend zones enough to know im not in the friend zone right now, but.....

A few people we both know has talked to her about me and her and she tells em were just friends, and she always talks about these guys she has crushes to me while were talking. And i make it pretty obvious i like her, so it's not like I keep it low key or anything to her.