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Thread: Confused with my ex

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Confused with my ex

    So me and my ex broke up February this year and we are still really good friends. He would tell me all these secrets and we would Skype call and hang out a lot. So just recently about 2 months ago we decided we just wanted to hook up and we would innocently flirt with each other. So anyways we were going to hookup at my friends party but then at the party he would hug me and be all cute and he would like lean his head on my neck and say cute things. So as the night progressed, towards the end of the night he was pushing me away and just ignoring me and I was confused because before he was all over me. That left me really pissed off and he would go and flirt with other girls in front of me. After the party I messaged him and asked why was he pushing me away and he told me that he liked someone else. I was upset and devestated because he made me believe that we had this special bond with each other and I really wanted him back. He would tell me about this girl but he told me he was over her. We had a fight and I shaded him in my social media and blocked him. After about a week he messaged me and we fought but then we apologised to each other. I decided to just drop it and move on. So now we've been talking a lot and we're close again. Just recently maybe last week we were having a normal conversation on text and he just randomly kept saying shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. And I was really confused because he said this in the middle of our conversation. He told me he ****ed up with me and he shouldn't have lead me on and hurt me like he did. He admitted to me that he likes me again. He promised me that he wouldn't do what he did last time but I'm still scared of what could happen. We've been flirting with each other and all I want is for him to ask me out already but I don't know if he's looking for a relationship. He told me he was moving schools and I was really sad but people keep telling me he isn't actually moving while he and his friends and family are saying he is and I don't know who to believe. So I yelled at him and told him to piss off because he wouldn't tell me the truth and people wouldn't tell me either. So now we're ignoring each other and I don't know if what we have is healthy. What should I do? I'm confused on how I'm supposed to feel about him and this situation. HELP ASAP

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Stop talking to him and forgiving him for being a dick to you. He's broke up with you and he's certainly not acting like a guy who is sorry that he did that. If he thinks he made a mistake then why isn't he just telling you that and asking you back? I'll tell you why, because they are just words he thinks you want to hear so that you won't be pissed off and you'll be hood winked into having uncommitted sex with him.

    Stop disrespecting yourself like that. He is no longer your boyfriend so tell him outright that you want him back as your boyfriend and if he doesn't want that then it's best you go zero contact so that you can get over him and find yourself a boyfriend that wants you for more then "hook ups."

    You will never find a guy as long as you let him play you like he is.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

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