Hello, i learned a swedish guy in september. It was love of first sight from him. We met each other on regular times and from november i had also feelings for him. Now, he has returned to his country (a month ago). We are texting almost daily. But about a month ago, i texted him i had feelings for him and then he gave me this answer which i don't understand at all cause we're still texting. He said that it was very brave from me and that i will find someone but that i'm very pretty and nice and that he won't lose our deep friendship.
Does it means he wants a relationship but first he has to finish his studies or is it the distance (about 2000 km) or is he playing with my feelings? I don't think,so cause when we we're together we had always such a good conversations, he had to know too much of me. Is it the swedish way that he first will be good friends? Or should i stop answering him. I doesn't understand that sms. Can you help me please?