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Thread: Mixed Signals

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Mixed Signals

    I met this guy a few months ago he's just recently separated from his wife however I had my doubts so said I had a boyfriend to see if he would admit it but he has actually separated from her. Anyway we hook up every weekend, but today he's messaged me a lot of mixed signals one min he's saying he thinks it's best we end it now before one of us gets hurt but we can still meet up every now and again then the next message he said he's not absolutely sure if he wants to end it. I know we are just friends with benefits and I'm happy with that I don't do relationships. But I have no idea what he wants and he's really confusing me. When I mentioned I had a boyfriend he got jealous I could clearly see that. I told him I ended it though after we first hooked up as didn't want to say I lied. is there any point in me wasting time on this guy?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    Well, considering the fact that you, yourself, said you aren't really interested in a relationship, I think the answer to your question is a little less black and white. If you wanted a relationship, my advice would have very clearly been that it probably isn't worth it to keep pursuing this guy. Chances are he will just continue with this back and forth sort of uncertainty about what you two are (if anything) and you'll never really know where you stand.

    The thing is, it sounds like you don't really want anything serious with him. So, that's not exactly quite as clear. Maybe you do continue to see him, maybe you don't. I mean, after all, you aren't looking for anything serious, so it doesn't matter as much if he flip flops around a bit.

    So, I guess it just comes down to whether or not you consider it worth putting up with his drama for what you get out of the arrangement. If his drama is just too much, then why bother keeping him in your life. If you literally couldn't give much of a crap either way, but at least enjoy the time you two do spend together, then why not keep him around? At least until/if you get to a point where you want more with somebody (which, unless he changes, you probably wouldn't get with him).

    Good luck to you in deciding.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    British Columbia, Canada
    You're his f&ck buddy, his side-chick, his booty call. If you want more than that, find a different guy.
    "Caring is not an advantage."

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