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Thread: I just wasted 5,500 on a trip with a girl and nothing worked out

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    I just wasted 5,500 on a trip with a girl and nothing worked out

    I started playing this game called League of Legends and met this girl I really connected with. Soon enough we started talking on Skype/Snap Chat and months after that we started texting/calling each other.
    After about 6 months of talking over the phone I decided to make a trip down to California to see her.
    We went Sky diving, Water Jet packing, Kayaking, Snorkeling, Zip lining, Cruise to Mexico and lots of nice restaurants in the span of 13 days.
    We basically went from only texting/phone convos to all the sudden living together for 13 days and nothing worked out.
    I opened car doors for her, brought her stuff - gave her a gold plated rose on the ship.
    I felt like she didn't appreciate anything I did for her. She went to Wharton School of Business and her parents paid for her entire tuition and gave her tens of thousands of dollars to invest. She's basically had everything in life handed to her and didn't really appreciate the little things. She made the mistake of leaving her google chat up once and I couldn't help but oversee that she was talking to 10-15 guys arranging dates and events all paid for by the guys. It seems that she has no intention to get into a relationship with any of them only to use guys for free dates, events while continuing to focus on her high powered finance career.
    I feel like I was used and I've been nothing but a pawn from the moment I started talking to her.
    Update: I know I made a mistake by spending 5,500 to go down to California to meet a girl I've never met. I'm 25 years old and I'm at phase in my life where all my friends are getting married except me and I felt like I really could connect with her and I didn't want to have the "What if" question stuck in the back of my mind forever so I had to try.... I knew that in the span of 13 days we were either going to be love birds or end up hating each other. We don't even talk anymore!I feel so depressed

    Any suggestions on how to deal with something like this? I know it was a poor decision on my part and now that everything that happened the way it did I don't know how to handle all the stress I feel like I'm about to have a nervous breakdown :'(

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Hi I know exact how you feel. It's really hard to get fooled by someone whom you thought was into you. But it is better that you already know who she is before u get caught into a relationship with her. She don't deserve someone like you who know how to love truly. Move on with your life. You can still meet more women out there who would give back the love that you can give. Don't think too much about marriage your still young and a have a lot of things to enjoy. Somewhere along the way you will meet your one true love. Keep going out and meet a lot of people, stop thinking about her. Live a happy life, cheers☺️

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