Ok I am aware of how ridiculous this is but i cant stop thinking about this person anyway. I am 34 and have been with my boyfriend for 3 years. We have been having some problems, arguing etc. In the midst of all this I have gone off anti depressants, lost weight and feel great in that respect. A guy who is 21, has a girlfriend, started at my work and emails me every day. He always wants to hang out with me. I am probably not your typical 34 year old, i still like to party a bit, i can be quite random. But i cant stop thinking about this guy. And its ridiculous. Im sure he is just being friendly maybe he thinks its cool to hang with someone older? He wants to go for drinks after work, things like that. He has suggested hanging out at his house. I hate feeling attracted to this guy firstly because i have a boyfriend and secondly because it feels embarassing because he probably just wants friendship. He is pretty cool to talk to, funny, slightly mad which i like. I dont know what to do. I am finding it hard to think of other things. Because of my relationship problems with current boyfriend i fear i am enjoying the attention.