I have reconnected with an ex, whom I am still very much in love with and we are great friends and I don't know if I am seeing what I want to see or if there is more there. I don't want to risk our friendship if I am wrong cause we are close. We talk or text everyday, when we do talk it is for hours, we can talk about almost anything from serious to just casual or funny things. He has been extremely open with me, telling me private things, things he doesn't share with others, on Fridays when he is working we talk almost all day, he has told me it makes the day go faster for him, the other day he even facetimed with me while he was at the pub, which shocked me and today he rang cause he knew I was feeling down and wanted to know what was wrong. He has even told me he would leave me his dog, who he loves more than anything if he died, plus his car and his caravan, I am thinking if I was just a friend would he ring and text so much. Then he will say things like how beautiful his ex is, that when they walk down the street guys look at her, she also spends nights out there, which he tells me about, he does things for her all the time, he praises her, says how proud he is of her since they broke up, I really don't get that, he hardly ever praises anything I do, which hurts and makes me think he is still very much in love with his ex, which he denies, says he feels indebted to her cause she could have asked for a lot more when they separated, she could have taken his house that is why he does these things for her. I know that when I need him he is always there, I just have to ask him to ring and he does, I just don't know if maybe I am a fill in cause he feels lonely since his ex left or if maybe he feels more, I have told him how I feel, which he has never actually responded to. I would just like to know what to do cause I am just so confused.