So guys I need your help please! Sorry for the long post but wanted to get in all the confusing details..

I went to my girlfriends birthday party and met a guy there who is a friend of a friend. We got along really good, and had tons in common. We talked for like 30 minutes just the two of us then got up and mingled a bit with our friends at the party but ended up hanging out again doing some shots together etc. as the party started taking off.

After the pub we moved to a late night restaurant where we sat beside each other and he being super cute was trying to help me order, saying we could get stuff to share, saying I could get one kind of drink and he could get another so we could try each others, downloading songs he said were so good and getting me to listen to them, touching my back lots of cute stuff. At the end of the night we were all meeting up for breakfast the next morning so we hugged and said bye.

The next day at breakfast I sat across from him and was super tired(maybe a little hung over…) so didn’t talk to much at breakfast, but im also a pretty quiet person in general and my group of friends who were there are not. I always showed interest when he was talking, looked at him when he was talking etc. and also felt him looking at me a few times when I was looking somewhere else. so basically that morning we didn’t talk a whole lot but him and a friend planned a bbq for the next day ( which was his idea on Saturday night that he brought up to me and asked if I’d be able to come if they did have one)so we hugged again and said see you tomorrow.

The next day me and my friend show up at the house, say hi to everyone and he’s cooking so doesn’t say hello. Okay fair enough he’s busy. 30minutes later still no interaction Im sitting at the table with my girl friends and he walks by and asks one of my friends at the table if she wants to come out for a smoke, still not acknowledging me. So he stays away from me the whole time hes back and forth cooking. When were all eating we have a small interaction when I tell him how good his chicken is, he says “thanks”. Everyone is getting me to try some meat so he cuts off a piece puts it on my plate and says “just try it”. We have another small 10 seconds interaction while talking with another guy. He actually comes to stand by me at one point and literally just stands there without speaking completely engrossed in his phone. He offers me potatoes chips I say I don’t like and says “just try them” (I do). He mentions to my friend right in front of me that his birthday is at the end of the year, (which is something we discussed the first night we met since our birthdays are one day apart) I could have spoke up and said something cute about out birthdays but I was already so weirded out about his behavior I let the comment fall flat. Then he sits right across from me at the table im sitting at with our friends, starts telling a long funny story and literally looks at everyone else, and talks to everyone else at the table but me. The guy doesn’t look in my eyes once.

At the end of the night we hug, I say again how good his chicken is, he says “ill have to give you the recipe.” I leave with my girlfriend s completely confused at what the hell just happened.

Do you have any advice for me?! What the hell happened?! Was me being quiet the day after we meet sending the signals I didn’t want to talk to him!? Was the first night just him having fun at a party and that’s all.


So confused….