So I've liked this guy for the past few months. I've known him for a few years and we've always been friends, but I've only taken an interest recently. We click so well together and can talk about anything and everything for hours, we can laugh together and have very serious conversations too. We've hooked up a couple times previously, and back then, I was very sure it meant something for the both of us. However, now we're going to school 4 hours away from each other. We're both not the texting type, so contact has been rather scarce. He came up to visit me and all of my friends at school one weekend and we hooked up and cuddled and talked, and it felt like we were dating. But ever since, there has been no contact between us. I tried starting up a few conversations, but he either hasn't responded, or they've fizzled very quickly. Up until now I was always pretty certain of his feelings for me, but now I'm doubting everything. I can't tell if he doesn't want to communicate with me, doesn't know what to say, or doesn't know that I need him to text me in order to know where we stand. Does he like me and is just being oblivious? Or do you think he's trying to make a point by not texting?