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Thread: My boyfriend doesn't know if he will ever be able to love me as much as I love him.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    My boyfriend doesn't know if he will ever be able to love me as much as I love him.

    We've been together for six months. I am definitely in love with my boyfriend and he truly seems to love me back, but I told him I love him about a month ago and he was not and is still not able to say the same. We don't want to break up because we both feel we are better off being together, we have so much fun together, and there definitely is a solid emotional and physical connection. I helped him through his depression to the point where he is excelling in so many more areas of his life and he is so much happier now. On the other hand, I have struggled throughout my entire life feeling unlovable as I didn't grow up in a very loving, supportive family and I've been in several abusive relationships, so his inability to care as much as I care has been hard on me. Still, he is the most understanding person in the world and is so supportive through everything.
    What worries me is that he says he doesn't know if he will ever care for me as much as I care for him. He acts like he does, always talking to his friends about me and all I do for him, he is always looking after me, the sex is great, and he wants to hang out with me seemingly just as much as I want to hang out with him. We have so much fun together. But it scares me that he doesn't know, and I don't know how long I should continue being with him if he isn't able to feel that strongly back toward me.
    Everything seems right. I feel loved. But if he doesn't feel like he cares as much as I care right now and he's not sure if he ever will, but wants to continue in the relationship, how long should we continue doing this?

    Personal stories are absolutely appreciated and any advice is welcomed. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Reno, Nevada
    Why do you need to hear the words so badly? Look at his actions... anyone can SAY that they love someone... what matters is whether or not they show it.

    I think that if you back off pressuring him so much to say he loves you, he eventually will anyways. If you're confident with or without him, it will show. Give him a little space to miss you.

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