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Thread: I feel like it's only a Matter of time

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    I feel like it's only a Matter of time

    I took my ex back after 6 months of no contact. We had been on and off for seven years and it basically was dysfunctional and on and off. I took him back because I felt like he had possibly changed and I could tell that he really did miss me and I felt like he realized what he had. However I'm afraid, that eventually he will be back to his old ways. Do relationships like this ever work out after NC or does the guy eventually go back to his old ways?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    They certainly CAN and do.... but often times they do not. So, none of us can predict the future or read minds to tell you for sure if it will work out this time. Honestly, six months isn't really all that long, so I would kind of wonder what could have possibly changed in that amount of time. I think if you'd come to us BEFORE giving him a second chance, I'd have probably suggested against it. At least unless the issues that broke you up in the first place were ones you think you two could fix if you worked on them, or things were you sincerely think he actually may have changed.

    However, since you have already committed to giving him a second chance, I would say just proceed with a favorite little phrase of mine..... cautious optimism. In other words, you already agreed to give him another chance. So, don't back pedal now just because you THINK maybe he hasn't changed. That's not really fair to him because you aren't giving him the chance to prove whether or not he has. HOWEVER, on the other hand, don't completely let your guard down and assume he HAS changed either. Not until he's given you solid proof to make you believe you two actually could work this time.

    Honestly, time will tell. Often times relationships like this don't work out, but that doesn't mean they NEVER do work. Good luck to you either way.

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