Hi im from mexico and this my story, sorry for the orthography errors. I had an affair with a married woman, this affair ended about 5 months ago, i met her trough a client of my business she was 22 i was 35 and it lasted for a year, at first we just texted for about 4 months as friends and yes flirting but we did not see each other we only had a friendship but we talked all day long,when i asked her why her husband didnt tell her anything or ask her who she was texting at 2 a.m, she told me he slept in a different room and how things were not good in her marriage, she got married because she got pregnant, so yes they have a daughter 3 years old . And she told me how she tried too leave him in the past but couldnt do it because of the daughter , and how he mocked her when she threatened to leave him or to cheat on him, saying jaja you would never do that i would like to see you try. Anyway Finally we decided to go out and things happened. I said to myself ok this is wrong so just this one time and thats it, but the atracction was too much and the way she was with me, she made me fall in love with her, i always woke up and the first thing i saw was her good morning text message and it was the same thing going to sleep, she became my confident and i became hers, sex was amazing, but finally i was with someone who after sex i wanted to stay in bed with and hug her and kiss her. The way she looked at me and smiled or how i could just walk with her for an hour on a upholStery store and have fun, But there was also the part where i knew she had a daughter and this was going nowhere, so i tried to end it but after a few weeks we got back together, i missed her too much, until finally her mother in law saw her whatsapp conversations and told everybody on her family and her husbands family. after a big mess of her being sent to her mothers house and everybody calling her names like whore and me being threatened by her husband and her husband parents, and the threat to try to take her child away from her, we decided to stop talking and seeing each other, las time i talked to her she told me her husband confessed how he also cheated on her, and wanted to try things with her again and fix their marriage, and she knew that it was the best option, the idea of loosing her baby was too much for her. So its been 5 months since it ended and i think of her every day, i miss her but i know she wasnt for me but im broken hearted and sad, i did something wrong and i regret the harm that it caused but on the other side i cant regret it because i got to love her for a year. Any advice on how to move on?? Any similar situations?