Hey people,

Sorry for my english - Im from Belgium and no native speaker.

I got a few problems right now with my girlfriend (24). Im 30 years old, and kind of a "conservative" guy in a relationship regarding its uniqueness, loyalty and the wish to keep it going on, even through the bad times. To keep it short: If I am in a relationship, it is serious.

Now there are a few problems with my girlfriend. We are together for almost 3 years.

Ive never been a guy to be with a lot of woman. Im pretty much average regarding this. My girlfriend on the other hand has had ten times more partners than me and there were a lot of people doing jobs like professionell models, actors, musicians, directors, independent and worldtraveling sportsmen and so on ... Many guys had a wild lifestyle full of drugs, adventures, projects, art, music, fashionevents and so on. And now she is with me. Im very average guy I think. Doing a normal Job, playing in a band, painting, sketching ... But Im not that kind of guy with a wild and very independent lifestyle. I like things clear because I studied too long with too many problems and too many financial and emotional crises. I come from a very poor household with almost no books or anything related towards education and now I earn good money with educating others. That is more than I ever expected and Im very thankful that I made it that far.

Now: My girlfriend googled the last year things like:
Tinder, despite Relationship
Names of some guys in our city
cheating guilty feelings?
how to be attractive for men
tips flirting

She already said to me that she wants to have a threesome with two men someday. And that she somehow wants to have sex with other people of different cultures.

She got some problems to be honest. Not that much confidence. Many doubts towards herself. Sometimes very happy, then sometimes very sad. And she has hurt me much the last year. Made a lot of accuses of being boring (because I went to Berlin a few Days without getting to know some interesting people and staying in the hotel one evening (it was raining very much)), to be phony, that she lost respect towards me because I tried to help her a lot getting to university and being too understanding. Not just taking her because I always thought that "no means no" (Though the older I get, the more women I get to know who want a man who just disregards their "no" and continues, despite a bit of resistance).

And now Im pretty much desperate.

I love her, I really do. She would be the right woman for me. Ive always had problems with her ex partners (almost 100 in 6 years). But good friends of her told me that she had, for the first time, never again the wish to be with other people. And after all these guys I thought: Yeah, she should have had her experiences, now she is ready for something serious.

And at the moment: Im pretty much doubting that.

+ She writes with a lot of expartners right now, sharing their music projects on Facebook, googling their names, reading articles about their latest films or concerts or LPs ...

We use the same PC and she doesnt clear her search history, so I kinda know what she looks for in the internet. Dont do that normally but Im trying everything to not be hurt that much again (My Ex Girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend after almost eight years of relationship and left me for him despite her claims that he is like a brother for her, nothing more).

Yeah .... Any good advice would be appreciated.