I need some advice. I currently live in a homeless shelter. I have a job and I attend the local community college pursing a degree in Information Technology. I met this woman who works at the shelter. She has said she doesn't have a boyfriend (she’s 25 and I’m 51) and we talk everyday when she is at work. What really started all of this was I brought her a candy apple from work. On day I told her how pretty and sexy she is. She smiled and told me thank you. A couple days later I asked her out and she just kind of smiled and chuckled a little bit. We still continued to talk every time she came to work. She took a week off because she had to work at her other job. After about a week went by I asked one of her co workers when was she coming back to work. He told me she was coming in that night and that she was going to be happy to see me. This was 3rd shift and I stayed up all night talking to her. I asked her for her number and she said she couldn't give it to me. I told her I would never put her on the spot in front of her co workers, because clients are not supposed to have romantic relationships with staff. I started to wonder if this woman was starting to like me. When she is at work she always wants to talk to me. She helps me with my homework. She even told me when her birthday is ( 3 weeks from now) and her favorite gift is roses. She has never ask me for anything, but I brought her lunch a couple of times. She also told me If a man was to move in with her all she would ask for is half of the rent. I forgot to mention I am married, but I have been separated for almost three years. She even knows about that. I told her I am going to get a divorce and she jokingly said I wasn’t. I assured her I am. One day I was worn out wondering whether she likes me or not so I decided to stop pursing her. I went to the front desk and started talking to her co worker, not even looking in her direction. She made it her business to get my attention. She interrupted the conversation by asking me questions. She even pulled her dress over some so I could see her thigh. Then she switched around in the chair, spreading her legs a little so I could see in between them. If I won’t talk to her she’ll ask me why I haven’t spoken to her today. Whenever she sees me her whole face lights up. I told her I was moving out of the shelter and she wanted to know if I was going back to my hometown. I told her I was going to stay in Durham NC because I see something I like. She asked me what that was. She asks me personal questions all the time. If a guy is at the window talking to her she’ll tell them to move so she can talk to me. She lets me see her cleavage. When another man walks up, she’ll cover it up. I joke around with her and she seems to enjoy herself. When I got off the bus from work. She stopped me. I asked her where she was going . She said she was going home. I jokingly asked her could I go. She thought that was funny. Somebody please tell me what is going on and what should I do.