I am 35 years old middle eastern woman fell inlove with a 25 years old white lady. We met in a gay bar a year ago and we were together eversince that day. We had so much in common and age was not an issue when we started dating. She never had a serious relationship before me as she use to play around all the time, she also said to me she worked as an escort and got raped by a man while doing her service to him. She always insists that she's a lesbian but i never felt it. I believe she's a bisexual lady coz she stares at men specially dark looking middleeastern and muscley men, and she enjoys watching masculin men porn movies, she dont like to watch lesbians its either masculine men together or straight couples. Also she has so many male friends who actually flirts with her in an uncomfortable way and she denies that they have any sexual intensions towards her, a number of incedents happened during our relationship as follow: When we started dating, around the third month i went to visit my parents in the middleeast but we were always on the phone, she said she wanna go with her lesbian girls to drink at a gay bar and i agreed. I kept calling her all night she never answered my phone, i called her friends they said she left them 12 pm but i shouldnt get worried coz she's probably gonna be okay. I couldnt sleep that night coz i was wondering what happened to her specially she was under alcohol influence. She called me 8 am in the morning and said she her battery died and spent the night with her straight male friend who i didnt met at the time but when i met him later i knew something happened between them not only that night but even before me coz she know him years ago. Its a spark in their eyes i see and they keep touching eachother thighs and she touched his chest!!! I didnt want to argue too much about this incident coz we juat started to know eachother and i made it clear that i despite this childish behavior and i wont forgive more of this. After 9 months of our relationship, another different male friend of hers who always flirts with her came strongly in the scene. I warned her of going to his flat and they can meet in public places. We went together with him to a bar and he was touching her hands constantly!! I got frustrated specially that shes enjoying it and laughing at his stupid jokes with all her heart. Not only that, he showed us naked sexy women on his phone and asked us about our opnion!!! I kept calm on the table till he offered to join him at his flat and i waiting for her reaction and whether she will remember our agrrement of not going to his flat, but she didnt and she was excited to see his flat. I made an argument on silly thing and walked off just to see if she will follow me, and i was totally in shock when she didnt!! She went to his flat spent 3 good hours in his flat and i kept calling her and never answered me!!! She called me when she left his flat blaming me on walking off like that and she didnt do anything wrong with him!! We never been the same after this, i am scared of her behavior, i tried to breakup with her after this so manytimes but she keeps bringing me back. We didnt have sex for 3 months because she dont want to!! And i said whats the point of being together if we cant do what couples normally do!! Im heartbroken, i know shes playing on my feelings and it hurts me so much coz i actually loved her but im absolutely miserable with her