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Thread: What is this guy thinking?? NORMAL?? YES??WTF

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    What is this guy thinking?? NORMAL?? YES??WTF

    Forgive me for grammar mistakes and so, I am form norway I'll just tell this story as short as I can

    So I'am kinda in a weird mix here(an old flame returning). There's a guy that I have been knowing for like two years. We met on tinder two years ago, just for fun. That time I was wery serious and looked for a relationship. And I think he was kinda looking, and kinda looking for a hookup. But anyway, so we chated and decited to meet. He is actually from another town. So it was his first time starting university here in my town and he also was a freshman that year.

    We went on a date in september, and I must say on this date we did feel the chemestry. It was really great. We talked , had fun, laughted. He was super sweet and smart. I really liked him. After that he had to go and meet his friends, and our date ended. It was really fine, since I ussally don't want the first date to be wery long. Yeah he went to see his friends and I went home. Later we added each other on face and snapchat so the comunication went on there. It was around exam time, so we didn't meet each other until february. (both where busy, work, study, vacation ect..). So on valentines we went to see a movie just for fun. Since we both wanted to see it. (deatpool lol). After that we both left again. Then I got toghether with my boyfriend at that time and he also startet dating a girl. So everything was left and forgotten there. Untill..we both broke up..at almost the same time. After I broke up with my ex, I just started using tinder for fun. I noticed he was there still. So I asked him on face, what are u doing here lol? He answered nah just for fun u? I said I was there since I was single, and wanted some action. To comfirm that I was single.

    some days later he drunk texted me, asked if I wanted to have som fun with him (sexualy). Obviously I wanted lol ,since he is wery handsome and we both remmebered our small dates. I refused him once just to see how keen he is. And again a week later, he did the same . We both admitted that we wanted to have each other sexualy and have fun.

    He also said he have wanted me for a wery long time, ever since last date. (last date was in february, and we hooked up in november, so a year after we met on tinder)
    We slept. Now I know the difference between casual sex and sex with something more. It was so strange. I didn't expect him to be so carefull with me. I only wanted something fun and quick. I though, perhaps because he's drunk and trying to be a genteman. Or he's lonely after the breakup?

    BUt no, he kissed me so softly, and so gently. He said he wanted to enjoy sex with me. I wanted too ofcourse.
    After we had sex, he looked soo happy and kissed my hand so meany times . He also apoligized about the last date, at the cinema when he left before me(in february).
    I swear I forgot that.

    Later same month we slept again. This time both of us where not drunk. I was taking the buss to him, and I got lost. He went out right after the shower in his shorts and sweather(in the winter) to find me.
    That time sex with him felt really gentle as usual. He was nervous though. Withouth the alcohol.We actually talked, and chilled. It was nice. He swhoed me his playlist too that night.

    I think I have forgotten to say that he is 20, 4 years younger than me.

    Then december came. I didn't want to sleep with him agian, because I had a soft spot for him once. So I wanted to take some space. Just chill and be single. I had my fun. The only reason I wanted to meet him was because I forgot my earrings at his place from last time. And that bothered me so much, they where ****ing expensive.
    So before christmas vacation last year. He texted me and said he wanted to sleep with me agian. It was soo late and I was allready in bed. Watching some episodes on netflix. He said he just had to sleep with me again before christmas. And that he had my earrings, and that I had to get them. I answered that it's to late now. No buss is going to your place and I was gonna sleep soon. So I said I could get them after the vacation was over. He didn't give up. Then he suddently said he was going away to oslo for an internship for three months.
    ''I can't see you till mars'' he said. And I was bothered by that. First my earrings, I hate not wearing my jewerly, second my soft spot said go and see him.

    That night was wery intense, he was super drunk. The morning after he let me stay til afternoon, usually he just fakes that he is busy and want's me to leave and shit. (not in a rude way, I also usually like to go home right after.), but this time he did't say anything. I wanted to sleep a litle bit more, so he let me. Then when I was about to go, he watched me while I put my clothes on.
    We said goodbye and merry christmas.

    The time went by, it became mars. We didn't speak or send eachother snaps. I was wery focused on school and watend to forget him. Since he is young, and just want's to have fun.
    Around january I started seeing one guy. We are not yet official, it's long distance so we are trying to see if it's worth to keep it up.
    Now my tinder guy contacted me again. After three months of no contact. Said he was back in kristiansand(where I live, where he studies). I said cool, you missed this place ? You know, just to have a random normal chat.

    The conversation endet by both of us just sended a smiley
    Later same month he texted me again. Wery drunk. Said he missed me in bed. I was in oslo then. So I told him. And said that he is handsome enough to find another girl. I'm too boring and old for you, I told him.
    He didn't agree. Told me that I was super good in bed, and liked my company. And hoped that he wasn't alone to feel that. I joked and said, yeah I feel the same. (haha I did also like him in bed and his company, but because of my soft spot for him)
    So through the whole mars and april he has been texting me all the time to sleep. I heavn't had any time to actually sleep with him, so I have been refusing.

    Now I know I have some feelings for him. And I think he just want's to ****. I don't mind. I mean, if he want's to only ****, he can just say it right?? But I can't help to wonder is he feeling something? After our hookups. It's too weird the way we are with each other in bed. Or the way he treat's me in bed. Hookups is not something that gentle. Not at all. Perhaps it's just wishful thinking? He is a guy that get's what he want's. So I don't understand why the **** he need's to only sleep with me .
    What the **** should I think about this?? I can't read him at all..
    Like all the smilling after we sleep, all the happy look? I mean I get that it's cool to sleep with an older girl..BUt like??
    And he also talked about me to his friends. Opened about his past and family..I'm confused..
    Help anyone??

    Hope u understood this story

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Thank you for sharing your whole story here.
    However i personally fail to see your problem.
    What exactly is the problem?
    Also: What do you want out of your "relationship"?
    If you think I am insulting you with my post or bashing you: You do not get the point.
    I am not here to insult or bash anyone. I offer up my free time to help. Take from my post what is useful to you.
    If you are angry about my post or myself, then please stop and think how that happened. Usually that is the way the brain responds if a critical belief system is challenged (its called cognitive dissonance). If you have trouble with it please answer in the thread. I will come back to you.

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