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Thread: Does she still love me? :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Does she still love me? :(

    Hi, I'm Amanda. I've been with my girlfriend for 10 months now. Everything seemed to be fine, we obviously had little argues here and there, but we loved each other and said that every day, she also showed me her feelings many times. But now since she is on teen camp in England for 3 weeks she would ignore my messages, even though she would be online, often (when finally replies) she talks about how great AND THE BEST of a time she has now (I obviously want her to have good time and prayed many times before for her to have great vacation), how people are awesome, she would post pictures of her with some girls and guys on snapchat and also I saw on this camp page her pictures hugging other people (not kissing and stuff, but still)... I told her that I'm little bit jealous and that I would like her to communicate with me more, because I miss her. She said that she tries to communicate as much as she can (hmmm) and that i'm being overdamatic. It was about week ago, but now nothing has changed, today she didn't talk to me whole day while being active on messanger... I'm really sad and when we argue, I said (i'm really impulsive and emotional) that maybe we should get a break since she ignores me all the time. She said nothing but "that's your decision"... Now we talk from time to time but she seems not to care about the fact that I mentioned break from our relationship and it hurts even more. I don't know what to do, i'm really sad and i cry all the time, because i feel like she doesn't care anymore even though few weeks ago everything was fine... Also she mentioned few times before that she wants to move in a year to England and I have no option to do that so our relationship would be only online, I love her enough to menage that, but since she treats me like that i'm not so sure about stuff anymore... Don't know what to do, please help me (i'm not from us so excuse my english)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    Distance, even when temporary, can be very difficult. It takes commitment from both parties and an appropriate amount of communication. Now, it would be one thing if you were expecting her to CONSTANTLY be in touch. Like, if you expected that no matter when you texted she should text back within 10 minutes. Then I would say maybe you are just over-communicating. It doesn't sound like that is the case here. It sounds like she is not communicating at all/very little. It sounds like she is not making you enough of a priority. And, frankly, that is NOT okay.

    It is certainly possible SHE doesn't see it that way. Maybe the way she feels about you has not changed in the slightest, but she's just busy and having fun. That still doesn't make it okay. Again, it isn't like she should be at your beck and call 24/7, but she at least needs to show some commitment and that you are still her number 1 priority. If she cannot/will not do that, I honestly think a break is likely in YOUR best interest.

    You should take some time for you and to re-learn to be independent and have fun on your own without her. Honestly, your "break" may even be worth extending to at least some time after she comes back, but that is entirely up to you. In the end, frankly, I couldn't blame you if you decide you are better off moving on. Hopefully that doesn't have to happen, but you do NOT deserve to be with somebody who can't bring themselves to care enough to make you a priority.

    You also mention that she will be moving in the not too distant future to somewhere you are unable to come (at least for now). So, A) This is a preview of how she handles long distance.... and obviously she isn't doing such a great job. B) Is that situation ever going to change? Is she eventually moving back? Or are you eventually going to be able to move there? If neither is the case then how would you have a relationship after that anyway? If eventually you two would be able to live closer together again, there is still the issue of her not handling long distance well. Long distance relationships CAN work.... but it takes work from both sides... something it already seems like she's not able to do. So, maybe that is your answer.

    Again, though, that has to be your decision. Maybe she can change and get better at this. Maybe it would be worth trying. You'd know that better than us. I just hope you care enough about yourself to do what is right/best for you even if it may be the more difficult thing. Good luck.

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