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Thread: Why do guys do this????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Why do guys do this????

    There is this guy at work whom ive recently started to fall for. I feel like he started paying more attention to me, complmenting me but never on looks just personality, how well i work and my SHOES LOL.

    I aleays feel like he is watching me but in a non creepy way. He always holds eye contact to the point that i start to get nervous and feel i have to look away. He goes out of his way to say hi to me even when i try to pretend to not notice him. One day i walkrd by an isle he was working in, pretending to read a label on a bottle and not notice him, when he comes up the isle to start a convo.

    I guess my frustration is why does he do things that seem flirty but in a way that you cant call him out on it. For example the other night we were working together and i had yo call him to answer a question. I get off tge phone only to have to call him back avout 3 min later. I say to him, "hey its me again..." he jumps in and says, I missed you" were both doing our little cute hahahas. I joke back eith well you know it has been a while since we last spoke. Then we carried on with our situation i was dealing with. Later the same evening he comes up to where im working at i tell him im in panic mode as it was an extremly busy night at work and couldnt get part of my job done. He kept looking into my eyes talking all sweet telling me hes got my back... he and another manager looked after what needed to ve done. But the whole time im talking to him felt flirty and sweet and lota of eye contact. He then went on to say im becoming his work wife. What does that even mean????

    Ive been trying to suppress my feelings as i dont want to think im reading more into this then i should. Just when i think im over my feelings he comes across flirty etc and im back to square one.

    I dont know what to do because the suspense is kiĺling me!!

    Someone please enlighten me... is he scared of letting me know he likes me where he is in management or is he just enjoying the whole thing knowing nothing will ever come of it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    In a tree somwhere (I'm on the fifth leaf on the 16th branch)
    Try asking him out, that might help make things clearer
    He who laughs last, thinks the slowest

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    Just based on what you shared I don't really think we have enough evidence to comment. From what you shared with me, it sounds like he could just be friendly and engaging in some light, harmless flirting. It doesn't sound to me like he's done anything wrong, so I am not really sure what you mean by "Why do guys do this?" ....Yet, at the same time, maybe there is more to it that we don't see. Maybe he's super flirty in a way that DOES make it seem he's interested, but then he never follows up on it from there.

    Unless I misunderstood, it doesn't sound like you are saying he is flirty one moment, then cold and distant the next. He's just flirty and friendly. So, it could be he's interested in you but has just been too shy to actually ask... it could be he's interested in you but reluctant to date co-workers..... it could be he's just a flirty, friendly kind of guy and doesn't really mean any harm by it. Heck, it could even be he just enjoys the attention he gets flirting with women and he never has any intention of taking it any further with you. We can't really know that, and neither can you unless he volunteers the information.

    So, yeah, I agree with nerdy_guy. If you are interested, try just asking him out. Heck, you can even start slow if you want and make it seem like just an innocent little get together and try to get a feel for whether he feels the same way. Or, just go all out and ask him out making it clear you mean a date. Otherwise, you might just keep wondering and driving yourself crazy trying to over-analyze everything he does or says to find some hidden meaning in it. Better to know than to be kept left wondering. You can even try to play it casually enough so if he isn't interested, you can kind of play it off like "Oh, that's okay, I get it. Just figured I would ask" and then just go back to being work friends/colleagues.

    Good luck to you either way.

    P.S. [MENTION=44120]nerdy_guy[/MENTION]

    I don't.... I don't get your signature line. LOL! (Kidding, of course)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Maybe maybe not

    What keeps you from finding it out?

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