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Thread: I asked her on a 3rd date but she said "Haha maybe when I have some money"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    I asked her on a 3rd date but she said "Haha maybe when I have some money"

    We had a great first date (last Sunday). When we left we kissed and I told her to text me when she's back home safe. She eventually did with "I'm so awkward :')" so we joked about it and I asked when she would be next free and she said "I'm free whenever you are " so we arranged a second date for the Wednesday just gone.

    Things went great again. It ended with us waiting for the same bus and her showing me pictures in her phone. There was one of me but I also noticed another guy. When we were on the bus, she was texting her friend which appeared to be a girl but she got a text notification but she swiped it away, rather than reading it. I assumed she must have been talking to another guy, but hey we're not exclusive so whatever. When it was my stop I gave her a quick kiss and asked her to text me when she gets home.

    I noticed she didn't so I just text making a joke about the night we had and hope that she got home okay. She replied the following morning laughing and hoping I would enjoy my drinks with my friends later on.

    I replied 4 hours later asking when she would be next available to get together. She took 5 hours to reply, but she was working. She replied saying “Don't get too drunk! Haha, I'm not sure maybe when I have some money :') x” so I replied “We don’t have to spend money, but I’d like to see you again. Maybe some other time, let me know when you’re free x”.

    She replied "Okay What was your status about? x". She then tagged me in a picture meme of a coin broken in half with the tagline "this is how broke I am". My facebook status said "As one door closes, another one opens" but I said "Just career stuff, got a lot done today with applications and that x". I haven't had a reply to that and that was 24 hours ago, but I didn't ask a question to further the conversation.

    She's posted on facebook and instagram since, but I've noticed since our first date, we'd be texting every 30 mins to an hour with a 3-4 line text but now it's very sporadic.

    On our first date, she did mention she had just bought a laptop for work and was waiting on delivery.

    Before our second date, she asked how much the place we was going to was going to cost and she said she wasn't able to afford that but I said it was all paid for and to not worry. She also wanted to pay half on our meal that night and asked me to send her my details to send the money when she gets paid, but I said it was fine.

    Do you think this is a legit excuse or a blow off? My only reason why I think it could be legit is because she wondered what my status was about (interested enough to ask) then tagged me in a funny picture soon after and she had mentioned she was short of money since date 1 . I'm also thinking three dates in a week is a bit much.

    We've not spoken on for 1-2 days but I plan to wait until Sunday and get in touch, say that I have tickets all paid for to a place if she wants to join me. If I get another excuse then I'll see it as lack of interest and move on.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Please just go and have sex with her next time
    It doesn’t cost much
    And it’s a fun activity you both might want to enjoy together

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