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Thread: Hopeless romantic wondering if it's a bit hopeless - any advice much appreciated

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Hopeless romantic wondering if it's a bit hopeless - any advice much appreciated

    Hi guys,

    I fancy a colleague of mine like mad. She's beautiful and we've loads in common. I can make her laugh easily and I think she likes me as a person, but maybe not romantically. I'm terrible at reading signals etc.

    She was engaged for a year but broke off her engagement in May/June and I knew for a fact she is single at the moment, so I asked her out at the work's Christmas do on Saturday (16/12/17). She said no for two reasons:

    1) She wasn't ready, in her words and 2) she didn't want to date anyone from work, as this is how she met her ex-fiance, a fact I already knew.

    I told her at the time I agreed with the no-colleague policy, as this is usually my rule, but I haven't met anyone like her in years and years and years.

    What I want to know is: should I ask her out again later in 2018? Or is it hopeless?

    Given the whole ex-fiance situation, I reckon she's very sincere about avoiding workmate dating, but at the same time I know I could make her happy.

    Any advice would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I doubt that she will change her mind if you ask her again. I agree with the whole co-worker not dating thing, but if someone perfect does come up, you should go for it. But unfortunately, she doesn't view you this way.

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