Ok, so this is my second try, something messed up, so i'll have to write this again.
I'm a 15 year old dude living on school (i skipped 7th grade, so i'm a year younger than everyone else). It's kinda hard to explain, but all the students basically live on the school. This goes without saying, but we all run into each other all the time.
The problem is as follows. There is this totally awesome girl, let's call her Maria. I hang out with her quite a bit, and we have some pretty interesting conversations and a lot of fun. On the school there are like 50 teens, but only 14 of them are girls. So, as you might imagine, all the girls are very "sought after" and this girl in particular is "the one to get".
Before bedtime all we usually hug each other and say goodnight, and whenever i hug her, i feel so happy. She also says that she loves the hugs that we have. She has made a fan-page dedicated to me on Instagram, and she has posted 3 videos of her "stalking" me. There is also a fan-edit by me (she didn't make it though, long story.)
I just don't know how to take these things. I'm not sure how she acts toward others, but she hasn't made a fan-page for anyone else at least.
Oh yeah, and you might have guessed, i think i'm in love with her. I was once in love with a girl, and i told how i felt, and we didn't talk for awhile (we're good now), and i just don't want the same thing to happen with her.
I don't know if i should just tell her how i have interpreted the things she does, or if i should just suppress my feelings. Or maybe another option.
So, uhm, please help out.
-15 year old dude-guy