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Thread: She obviously was playing games

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    She obviously was playing games

    Back in July I posted on here and most of the people were right, don't bother.. I talked a little bit here and there, she told me she missed me. We spent the first few weekends together, did almost everything together, she would come to work to visit me. One day i picked her up and her sisters were visiting, wanted hugs and said they miss me, they told her she has the one guy that puts up with her. Took her places, talked from first thing in the morning til one of us fell asleep. So as time went on I tried to make a move and got told no. So she knew I didn't want to be just friends. So I brought to her attention how i felt, nothing crazy, just that she makes me happy, get a response "I'm glad". Plus, I brought up the fact about her ex she dated after me, which she didn't answer to cause she didn't know i knew. Then she says I'm sorry I can't give you that. But says there are feelings there between us, always poking me, tickling me, wanting her feet rubbed. Wanting a massage. So a week goes by without talking and she has surgery and starts talking to me all day. Doesn't ask me to go out with her, when I always ask for her to come out with my group of friends and she comes out. So, finally i told her straight out that I don't want an I'm sorry, I just needed to get off my chest that I don't want to play games, be someone there only when they need them. My friends told me it's weird she wants to talk all day and if I were with someone else they wouldn't be so comfortable with her and I talking all day. Which I agreed. So after I told her she never responded. I left it open to her and never heard another word. I know it's a lost cause but it just doesn't make sense. This is just a total waste of time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Forgot to add, she told me she doesn't want to be forced into it, which I am not trying to do, just get some answers

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Paragraphs help people to help you

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Sorry let me fix how I wrote this and update it.

    So on a previous thread I wrote how my ex came back. As a month passed I hadn't written on here cause I was busy at work and this was the last thing on my mind. She was texting me from first thing in the morning, until late at night, which is exactly how it was when we were dating.

    So we did things together pretty much every weekend. We would go out with my friends and do things technically as couples. My friend told me that its weird how all over me she is for just talking by laying on me and poking at me and doing little cute stuff.

    One weekend I came to pick her up and was surprised both her sisters are there visiting. I was waiting in the car and her one sister whose wedding i went to told her to have me come in to say hi. As soon as I walk in she runs up to me and hugs me. Then her other sister arrives and does the same.

    Later that night she tells me how her sisters love me and that they love how I treat her.

    I go to make a move because it just seemed right and as I went to kiss her she said no. She texts me apologizing saying she didn't know why she said that. So I let it be and didn't push the subject. As time went on she was always playful but I couldn't get her to get actually close. She would always tell me that there is something there between us but she doesn't feel like i do.

    She wants me to massage her back, massage her feet, be playful with each other.

    A few weeks ago, I told her straight out how I felt. I told her that she is amazing and that she makes me happy. That I want to share everything with her because of how we talk all the time and are always spending time together. I told her I didn't want to hear an I'm sorry, I just had to tell her. Plus I did not say the words I love you. So after, I didn't hear from her at all. She has not texted me or made any contact.

    The only thing I see from her is her always checking my Snapchats all day throughout the day.

    I think it's time to just cut my losses like I did when we broke up last April. Was I reading all of it wrong and she was just using me to keep busy?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Physically escalate
    I don’t get why she doesn’t want to kiss?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Well, now she won't even talk to me. She did say at one point she doesn't want to be forced into something. Which I don't get, because I am not forcing anything and just looking for answers. I try getting seeing if she will start up a conversation after I say something but she doesn't. None of it makes sense to me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    You are missing the point
    That’s why you don’t get it
    There is something you do not know about.
    You are possibly either misinterpreting signs or didn’t seduce when you should have or she’s looking for casual sex only which you didn’t comply to

    Either way you don’t know and my guess is that she is not and has not been completely clear or honest with you


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    I finally got an answer out of her, she stopped talking to me to help me and not hurt me. Said she likes having me as a friend.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2011
    West Michigan
    There are plenty of girls out there that just want validation or free gifts from someone. If she's not clearly interested, if she doesn't make a move herself, if she doesn't take you out an reciprocate dates, move on. Don't stand for games like this. If she's that immature dating will not work out anyway.

    There are also plenty of girls that want you to "work" to show you want her. Don't play this game. Just move on.
    I have a long time interest in psychology, specializing in relationship dynamics for 30 years.
    (Please note, we give the best advice we can based on the information given in a post. For better advice, please include the age of all romantic partners.)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    I understand that. After i wrote that I told her:

    " I told you when you broke up with me last year that I didn't want a friendship. Asking me for massages, foot rubs, and getting all touchy feely is not friendship. You started texting me after 4 months saying you miss me. You came around with my friends and spent every weekend with me and visited me at work. I don't see how it doesn't look like more to you when everyone asked if we were together by your actions.

    You told me your sisters said that they love me plus on how I am truly there and treat you unlike other guys you dated. If that it then it is done. Hope you don't change your mind again later."

    I'm 30 and she is 27, and it just seems so childish playing games. Taking up my time making it like there is something there and pulling me back in. I made the mistake of letting her back in cause of how I felt about her and how she made me feel when we were together.

    When this all started back in July I was starting to see someone a little and she left cause my phone was always blowing up from this 27 year old. In just really pissed off because of the time, and her family always trying to visit with me.

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