Hey yall, i have this problem and idk how to address it. Judgement aside, i joined this romance singles tour in hopes of metting a potential partner. I know its all about meeting single women and choosing who you wanna be with right? Well, during the tour, i was exploring the city on my own for a bit and got to meet this woman in a coffee shop a couple of blocks from my hotel. We had a great time talking to each other and i know it’s a bit cliche but i think i fell inlove with her.

So, during the singles tour and meeting some lovely women, i couldnt stop thinking about that girl i met during my walk in the city. Luckily, i was able to get her number but i dont know how these things normally go while im on this tour. I’m planning to revisit on my own and meet with the girl again. Do you guys have any suggestions on what i should do? How should i feel about this whole thing?