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Thread: Feel Like I'm Going Crazy Here

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Feel Like I'm Going Crazy Here

    For a background, you can check out my last post (tl;dr: BF is on vacation and told me about some girl he met that was hitting on him and his friend 'D', and girl added both friend and BF on instagram)

    So I talked to my boyfriend yesterday on FaceTime and this was the conversation, where the Italian girl got brought up (his dad, who him and I get along so well, was in the room, so I don't think he thought it was incriminating or anything):

    Me: What does she look like?

    BF: Here, I have a picture

    Me: Oh you added her on Instagram?

    BF: Yes, is that ok? It's just a way to connect with other people... Anyways, she started texting me, but then it got weird, so I just gave her D's number and told her to text him

    Me: wait why does she have your number and not ask for D's since you said she was hitting on him?

    BF: She just asked for it so I gave it

    Me: Weird that you'd give her your number, especially since you're not going to see her again

    BF: Exactly, so I don't know why it's weird

    Me: Does she know that you have a girlfriend?

    BF: No, it never came up

    Ok am I crazy for thinking that that would have been the best time for my boyfriend to say 'Oh sorry, I have a girlfriend. But D can give you his number'?? My boyfriend is usually super friendly/nice to people he first meets, so maybe he feels bad shutting them down but still.

    I have always trusted him, but this makes me feel like I can't really trust him. Yes, I get that it's nice for someone to flirt and stroke your ego a bit, but if she takes it to the next level by asking for his phone number, he should have shut it down right??

    Like I get that it's good that my BF told me about this girl right after it happened, but it makes me feel like I can't trust my boyfriend to shut girls down when they flirt with him. Which makes me feel bad because he's never given me a reason to not trust him.

    And another problem is that it's one of those things if the roles were reversed, my BF would literally not care and wouldn't mind if I gave my number to a guy because he 10000% trusts me.

    When he gets home in a week, would it be out of line to say something along the lines of 'I have never had a reason to give you any boundaries because I've always trusted you, but if a girl that has been hitting on you asks for your number, I need you to shut it down and say you have a girlfriend"

    I don't think he cheated or anything, because he was only out for about 1 hour, and was also with two of his brothers, and one of his girl cousins (who all know about me), so even if he were to cheat, I don't think he's stupid enough to do it in front of them.

    Am I crazy right now? I don't want to be the crazy girlfriend, but I also don't want my boyfriend to be giving out his number to every girl that asks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    For now maybe take it easy. if it happens again, you might bring up the line you thought about.
    it's a good sign though that you can understand his willingness to flirt (just flirt i mean).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    If you gave me your number
    Would it be bad to your relationship? Would it change your feelings to said guy?

    He talks to you about it
    There is no harm
    Even if she did want to chat with him or wanted to suck his cock I don’t really see a problem
    He obviously doesn’t want that because he has you

    What more can you ask for ?

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