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Yeah, there's a great balance you have to find.
Remember, women have you on "relationship/dating probation" when you first meet them.
You should do the same. Don't give your heart away so easily. Your problem is it sounds like you care TOO MUCH.
There's nothing wrong with being sweet and charming. But don't have a pleaser mentality.
Create fun dates that you want to do, and invite them on your fun bus.
The only nice guys that finish last are spineless pleasers.
The ones that walk around on egg shells at all times. Women want an equal, not a butler.
The draw of the bad boy isn't that he's a jerk. It's that he has his own opinion, and he's not afraid to disagree. Women love a man that has his own opinion, and is strong/centered. Which, doesn't mean and shouldn't be confused with being a jerk to women.
Like i said, you just need to find a good balance. Being a gentleman is great, and so is treating women well. But don't be afraid to disagree at times when you actually disagree with them.
Have a life of your own that you enjoy. Women aren't the center of a great life. They're a supplement to it.
A great woman will only benefit it.
- Also. With games, I wouldn't play games. Women can sense games, they're way more intune with smaller social queues that most men. That'll just turn her off because you're being inauthentic. And while I realize your authentic self may not be entirely like how I described, but holding yourself to follow that example will just make you a better person in all aspects. (And you can still be yourself, you'll just be a better version of yourself)