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Thread: please help!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    please help!!!

    theres this girl at my church, and i really like her and she already knows (from a friend). that same friend told me that she said 'i dont want to hurt you, but im not really looking for a boyfriend right now'. i was all depressed for a while, but i told the friend it was okay. lately i've realized that i still like her a lot, but im afraid if i say anything to her shell get annoyed or something. what should i do???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by unluckyone
    theres this girl at my church, and i really like her and she already knows (from a friend). that same friend told me that she said 'i dont want to hurt you, but im not really looking for a boyfriend right now'. i was all depressed for a while, but i told the friend it was okay. lately i've realized that i still like her a lot, but im afraid if i say anything to her shell get annoyed or something. what should i do???

    Her rejection of you, does not make you the looser in this deal. So act like you always do, head up, walk tall, and put a smile on your face. Like you do every day. Don't go out of your way to be around her, or to talk to her, but if you run into her, just act like it never happened. Say, "how are you today, I am fine, thank you" And move about your business.

    You acting any other way will only reinforce the reason why she said no.

    -"'I don't want to hurt you, but im not really looking for a boyfriend right now'"

    Is a really nice way to say she is not into you romantically, period.

    Don't call her out on it, don't dig around, or try and prove your point or your case to her, you asked, she said no. Move on, and you will be able to keep your dignity.

    Next time, ask her yourself. Not that this is a reason for her no, but any women will respect you more if you have the nads to walk up to them and ask them out. If she says no, then no big deal, at least you did it like a man.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    well i didnt have my friend ask her out, the friend just found out and told her i liked her.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Lubbock, TX
    Don't bring it up with her again. It doesn't necessarily mean she isn't into you, she may just not want to date right now. Just be friendly like Bluevette said and continue on with your life.

  5. #5
    Ellynn's Avatar
    Ellynn is offline Love Gurus
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    Yeah it hurts doesn't it? Same thing happened to me with a coworker of mine. But he wasn't looking for a relationship.. Imagine my shock when a few months later he was dating a girl.....and then ended up moving to be with her....

    Basically its her nice way of saying...sorry Im not interested. Move on..there are other people out there...
    Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Philly, PA
    I agree with Ellyn and Bluevette, move on. She's letting you down easy.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    thanks guys

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