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Thread: not sure what to do

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    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    not sure what to do

    well first off let me say i love this girl to no end we met about 2 years ago i played video games with her brother. she got interested and started playing with us and like 3months after that she asked me out. everything was pretty much good we had our ups and downs for a long distance relationship. im 24 she is 20.

    well anyways basically she kinda talked to some other guys while still with me and gave them nude pictures and talked on phone a little bit to them. i found out of course this is cheating we talked about it. i kinda understood why and forgave her but before i did that i was pissed and i told her brothers bc i didnt want it happening anymore. so basically i told her brothers her secrets so i failed her as well which i should never have done. her brothers still love her though and just dont want her in harms way.

    so i go visit her after this happens bc we need to be together. everything seemed fine we got in a couple arguements over it but then talked and sorted it out. we had sex for first time together then and it was wonderful for both of us.

    anyways i flew back out there a few weeks later for spring break for 2 weeks. i found out some guy was msging her shit on her phone and i asked her about it and she said it was harmless and i told her it bothered me and we argued and she said she wasnt doing that stuff anymore. we made up and stuff and few days later she tells me she is confused about what to do. she thinks she might want to be single. she also says she loves me has strong feelings for me and that kinda stuff still too. so im like wtf if u have feelings why cant we be together. the next night she has sex with me btw we have only had sex twice and im 2nd person she has ever had with and it is actually something meaningful to her. i told her if u have sex with me ill take it as u want to be with me still and stuff and we still had sex. i was a little emotionally the last few days seeing we were probably ending our relationsihp. she says she cant handle the stress but the only stress was caused by her and im not really bringing that stuff up im trying to talk to her in a calm manner about how i feel and want her to express herself. we still have trust issues but i dont think shes doing that crap anymore and i dunno if she thinks i tell her brothers stuff. i tell her im not. anyways so its been like 2 weeks since ive gotten home and ive tried to give her some space to think and stuff but its eating me up inside so i bring it up every few days. she tells me stuff on phone that she wants me to hug and kiss her. she loves me and she wants me but she also wants to be single. that makes no sense to me. anyways this morning we had phone sex and i after i asked if it was just phone sex or more and she told me it was meaningful but not as much as i want. i asked her what she meant she told me she still feels strongly for me and loves me but needs to be single right now.

    she has told me things like she just wants to be friends now but then she flip flops the next day and says she just needs time and sees no reason why we wouldnt get back together when she wants a relationship.

    i need to know what the hells going on i love her and i will wait im even trying to get job out there but for myself something i want to do her being there is just a reward.

    is this relationship over or what should i do i am all stressed out bc we spend all our time doing stuff together online and now its like she needs space now and im kinda left her alone sense im not used to doing much else than school working out and chilling with her.

    from what i know of her in 2 years she isnt one to just bullshit about her feelings she is very shy and had alot of bullshit in her life with deaths parents splitting up and cheating on each other and numorous other shit in like a 6 month time frame.

    she also said to one of her friends that she sees marrying me but not dating me right now does that make sense? ive told her im not ready for anything like that and i know she isnt either.

    some days she seems very close and others somewhat distant is there anything i can do its hard for me to be patient bc i think we can work out the issues together as a team rather than individually

    oh another thing she told me not to wait but then we talked about it more and she told me she would be devestated if i actually got with another girl. i definately have no interest in any other girls. this girl is the only girl i look at sexually bc i truely love her

    any advice?
    Last edited by chiv; 29-04-06 at 04:05 AM.

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