I have known a man from a penpal website since Nov'05. Well, he is a good friend always e-mailing and giving support when I'm down. I think he's a very good friend I ever had. But, after a few months , thing seems to change and he tries to show his special feeling. Well, after we start chatting(we never chatted for two months before ) .
He said he likes me and he shows that he would like to visit me when I go to his country for a short work on this June and he will take me to visit many places . Then, he starts calling me almost every a few days.
Well, I'm not sure is he serious, but I am ambiguous since he told me that he never had sexual relation with anyone, HE TOLD his secret to me only. Wow, I never expect that he could tell me like that. Is that against a man's pride to say that thing or he's a liar? If there's any advice I can see that he is a good and sincere person. Please tell me before I meet hime\, so I can know what to do next to keep good freindship!!!