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Thread: Is this normal?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    A place that is miserably hot and humid... ugh.
    Yeah, I asked him to give me an explanation. And all he said was there is no explanation, that's just how he is. Maybe you're right blue, maybe I should ask him. I'm afraid of the answer though. What if that's not it? I'm afraid to think it's just that I don't do it for him anymore. I love him, and I don't want to lose him, but I would hate to live the rest of my life with someone who seems uninterested.

    I'll talk to him though.
    ...it is only after we have lost everything that we are free to do anything...

    ...we are the all singing, all dancing crap of the world...

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by RedAngl19
    Yeah, I asked him to give me an explanation. And all he said was there is no explanation, that's just how he is. Maybe you're right blue, maybe I should ask him. I'm afraid of the answer though. What if that's not it? I'm afraid to think it's just that I don't do it for him anymore. I love him, and I don't want to lose him, but I would hate to live the rest of my life with someone who seems uninterested.

    I'll talk to him though.
    I've always had the outlook on relationships that, if you're willing to have intimate relations with that individual, then the last thing you should be is scared to talk to them. You love him, and that's obvious. You need to talk to him. Assure him that no matter WHAT his response is, you won't be mad or upset. If he tells you that you're pathetic in the sack, take that as a hint and try to work on your "moves" a little bit more. Don't let it get to you, even if he does have an answer like that.

    You two are a couple, you're together. You live and you learn together, as one. You should be as open as possible, and like I said, that's true even if it may offend the other person.

    If he understands that you are just genuinely concerned about the physical aspect of your relationship, maybe he'll be more open to talk to you about his problem, even if it really is embarrassing for him.

    But don't jump to conclusions... for all you know, maybe he just truly has a desire for spontaneous intimacy with you, and not so much a "planned/expected" session every night of the week.

    And one more thing. Assuming that there isn't a problem, and he just truly prefers the once a week thing, try to persuade him to try things your way. Be respectable about it, but encourage him to do things by your "standards" for a week, just to see if he finds them more exciting or interesting. If he's open to do that, and picks up on the little intimate hints you may leave, maybe he'll realize "Wow, having sex 7 times a week sure does the body good!"

    Just throwing out ideas here for every situation I can think of. But most importantly, be as open as possible... and HONEST!!

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Find out why he would rather please himself than have you please him. Also find out why he's so damn selfish. It looks to me that he couldn't careless about you enjoying the expierence. Then figure out whether to dump his ass or not. If I were you I'd be ready to dump him.

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