lol so true...
lol so true...
// -- //
I got to agree. The guy that did the video should have said that Kate should be a lesbian, that way she be one less bad "egg" to deal with. But I do hope that some day she gets what is coming because it is girls like that that piss me off and just enforce most of the stereotypes there are of girls.
Very nice! I enjoyed the DeAngelo video underneath it (The 5:04 one).
Boy, that guy sure was an asshole for pointin' out all the faults of all the women out there.
As if the only reason these guys can't get a date is because they are "nice". Yeah, right.
The proportion of women who like assholes is similar to the proportion of men who like bimbos, so stop your whining, boys.
Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?
Nice try, jurupa, but no cigar. You weren't a math major, were you?
Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?
No shit, but then again there is no major for it.
Its a useless major. I am actually majoring in Computer Information Systems. But I see if I can come up with a way to show your wrong using math later on as I have to go backdoign my freaking essays for school.