hello there

this is a questionnaire I designed for my final major project in art, the subject of which is 'love'.
Im using it to get various opinions on the subject and would like it if you could fill it out.
Foward it to as many people as you want or can, but make sure you send it back to 'evilmoose@saintly.com' or 'scrat21@hotmail.com
all names and addresses will be kept confidential

1) what is your gender, age, and relationship status?

2) if you are in a relationship, how long has it been for?

3) what is your longest relationship to date?

4) how many partners have you had (definition of partner: a person who you kissed or dated and anything beyond that)

5) what is your definition of love?

6) how many times have you loved (according to your definition)

7) is love blind?

8) do you believe in love at first sight?

9) is it possible to love two or more people?

10) when was your first relationship?

11) whats the most romatic gesture you made? and made to you?

12) is there an ideal or a cultural influence that heavily defines your view on love?

13) name a defining moment or moments in the history of love

14) describe a person you love the most (family, child, partner etc....)

15) is there an aspect of love which is harmful? explain

16) name an image (attach if you want), a movie, a song and a book which you associate closely with love

17) did your parents shape your view of love in a postive or negative way?

18) give a quote on love that you like

19) finally, have the last say on what love really means to you

thank you for your time, the exhibition is currently scheduled for june, if you would like to know more please feel free to email me