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Thread: How shall i ditch my friend?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    How shall i ditch my friend?

    This is about a friend I no longer want to be friends with, and how should I ditch him.

    2 years a go I decided to go to Leicester university to do maths (foundation), then I saw him there because he was at the college next to the university, plus for foundation maths a lot of the lessons were taught in the college next to Leicester university.

    He uses to go to the same college as me before he went to the college next to Leicester University.

    I didn’t want to be seen with him, but for some reason I enjoyed hanging around with him,

    Anyway as all this was happening I started to dislike my course because of the teacher, so I re-took my a-levels but I also started going into the college next to Leicester University, because he was doing philosophy and the teacher let me in.

    So I had to and wanted to hang around with him then because as a home learning student I needed to get out of the house during the weekdays, so I would meet him.

    When he created arguments I would want to loose contact with him but I never did, this time I am and if he phones me to meet up I will say no and he will soon get the message.

    last year my a-level results went that good so I decided to do maths(foundation ) again because I thought with a different teacher I would be able to do it with a different teacher but I couldn’t so I left again he was at dmu and he left so I would meet up with him.

    I don’t need to meet up with him anymore because I have joined a gym so I can go there and do my work in the library out of the house.

    He has one eyebrow, across his whole forehead he’s big he hardly ever has a haircut or shaves even though he still does it, and he wares boots instead of trainers.

    Once I started talking to him about the Simpson’s the comic book guy and he goes that what his sisters call him.

    He says he is only trying to help me but he is obsessed about what I do, telling me not to go uni and get a job, instead, that work experience is more important.

    Hopefully I can lose contact with him now, hes so argumentive and he has no other friends then me,hes deluded is well he thinks hes really confident and do well for himself when that’s not true at all.

    He text me saying do you want to meet up I said yea, because as I have left uni I have nothing better to do yes I am looking for a job , yes I do have work to do but it doesn’t take me a day just a few hours.

    I’m thinking of losing contact with him, once I have a full time job before I start uni or once I start uni I will jus tell him I am too busy.

    I asked him what’s he going to do now he said he might go uni, or get a job where’s before he said he will defiantly get a job.

    He always tells me to stay in Leicester when I say I might be going out of Leicester to uni, talking about debt problems I will have, he just wants be to stay in Leicester because I am his only friend,obvisoulby I’m not going to listen to him I would only stay in Leicester if I wanted to.

    All he has is his sisters and mum and that’s it no other family or friends.

    A unrelated issue about him I think he has step/adopted/half sister or sisters and he tries to hide it, because once I saw his email form his sister and his sisters surname was Singh and his surnames chahun I asked him why there different he changed the subject first time and second time he said his names also Singh so I said is your name …….. Chahun Singh he said yes.

    Then today I asked him who signed his provisional driving licence form, he said his sister (his sisters a doctor) then I said how did you get around your sister signing it says on the form no relatives can sign it, then he said does it say that on the form then he said my sister got her friend to sign it at work. I didn’t question him further but I still think his lying wonder what else he might be hiding, and why wont he tell me if his sisters not from the same parents as him.

    I will ditch him and I can, I saw him today we went to play pro evo at a guys house we knew this guy from college , he’s a good friend of mine and he knows the friend I was with anyway... meanwhile we were play pro evo I said to him that’s gay time wasting and my friend agreed with me, then after my friend left his room, he goes you called me gay and I said no I called you tactics gay then he goes im giving you a warning don’t ever call me gay or anything like gay again I just ignored him then I said oh my god, then he goes I could beat the **** out of you then he goes you my friend but don’t ever say that again I have warn you , then I go the other guy called you gay, and he said that’s because you said it first, I said he’s called you it before...then he said he’s dumb anyway, the only reason he didn’t threaten the other guy is because he know the other guy is a lot stronger then him.
    Then after that he acted normally to me.

    next time he phones I will say I don’t want to meet up with a guy who threatens me should I rip him apart after that about how he has not friends, how I could get people to beat him up but I don’t do things like that unless he touched me, etc or should I leave it at that.

    No he has never hit me before yes he has argued with me loads of times.
    I use to dislike him a lot before now I hate him.

    It’s a one aspect of my life that was nothing and getting very big but its going to be nothing again soon once I ditch this friend.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    First of all, let me get this out of the way: You're a jerk. Yes, he sounds like a jerk too, but you are definitely a jerk.

    Now, as far as ditching him goes, when you get a life of your own, you won't have time for him any more and you will naturally evolve in different directions. Until then, why don't you just hang around him less, rather than break up with him like he's your boyfriend?

    Who cares about his unibrow and stepsisters? WTF is wrong with you? Don't YOU have any other friends?
    Spammer Spanker

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Why am I a jerk?

    Why don’t I just hang not hang around with him at all so he gets the message.

    Ok no-one cares about his stepsister and unibrow I was just saying; however he does have no other friends.

    I do have other friends and we meet up in the holidays because they are all at uni....that’s why I needed him for something to do not in the holidays.

    It’s hard to create good bonds with uni friends when I left uni twice within a few months.....plus I was going to uni in the same town I live in.

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