He's my LDR guy, from the "Recycling- is it the right thing to do?" thread at FF from last year. You posted in that thread. You didn't read any of it?
I pay attention to what's going on in YOUR life, OV! You're telling me you don't even know who my boyfriend is?
Spammer Spanker
No you don't, you don't even think I have a life and think that I am a late "bloomer" for some reason. Anyways, that thread was very long over there..I read bits a pieces of it, I didn't know he was called the Cali guy.
And what's so wrong with being a "late bloomer" anyway? I think it's a GOOD thing. It shows emotional responsibility, which is a subject I like to harp on. Of course I think you have a life- you just don't have a sex life. Someday you will.
Spammer Spanker
My lady loves me blowin in her ear and whisperin some romantic things or DIRT depending on the mood. she likes to nibble on my ear low, i find that a turn on, get my member tender. why dont u try blowing in every other hole **wink**
Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times, it's enemy action
Please, elucidate. Explain how I am terribly mistaken and you are not, in fact, a late bloomer.
I still think you're finding that phrase to be in some way negative, and it isn't. It simply means that most people your age have had more relationships and experience than you have. It doesn't mean you're retarded. Just careful.
Spammer Spanker
And unfortunately for guys like OV and me there is a stigatism attach for being a late bloomer. I have yet to have a person that has not known me for some time not be surprise that I have yet to have a girl friend. I have no problem saying it and admitting it.
I find the term "late bloomer" not to only be applied to relationships. Not everything revolves around freaking two people being together. Some people just don't ever want a relationship by choice, what are they? "never bloomers"?. I mean, I pay for my own shit, I can move out I just choose not to in order to save money and I am pretty independent now. I have blown past those cock suckers getting laid more then me a long time ago in life.
I calls 'em sane.
I wouldn't call it 'blowing' in the ear. Even kissing near the ear canal is too loud for me. My SO loves ear stimulation, it's amazing.
Ugh I hated it when my ex blew in my ear, DON'T ****IN BLOW ON ME!! I hate it, I don't care how hot you are either.
Originally Posted by Spencer