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Thread: I've gone pyscho

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    I've gone pyscho

    So i posted earlier about how i really like this guy who is just getting out of a relationship that was emotionally abusive. After being with a controlling girlfriend for over two years he has finally gotten enough nerve to stand up and really leave her this time. Other times they would break up but eventually he would always come running back to her. Basically he was blind for her and let her get away with doing a lot of things because he was so into her. Now we have been having a thing between us... even though i know its not the best time cause he needs time to let go, figure things out. Although i know this i can't help but want to be with him. We have times that are really great but when i talk to his friends..they are so used to him getting back together with his ex girlfriend they make it seem like what me and him have is just temporary..at least until he gets back together with his ex. When i talked to him about it he told me he likes me but is still in love with his ex. So at the time he was still in love with her but not willing to get back together. He says that within time he'll most likely be able to let it go so i had faith in him. Time passed and i didn't hear from him for a week. I was starting to worry that he lost interest and got back together with his ex. When i would hang with his friends they said that hes beeing seeing his ex again and that they could possibly be trying to get back together. His friends really don't think he can let go of her so seeing as how they've known him since day one..so of course i believe what they say is valid. Well after a week of not hearing from him, and hearing that he's been seiing his ex again i come to the conclusion that i was out, and the ex was now in. It was funny because when things were really good between us we planned this trip and so that was still carried out. The whole day i acted mean to him because by this time i thought he was back with his ex. Things we're weird between us the whole day and it seemed like he didnt have much interest in me. After that day i totally accused him of going back to his ex. I told him that he told me he wouldn't go back to her and how he lied. I told him that i can't see him anymore because he is just dragging me along for a road of pain. I told him how i've heard about how he's used girls before and how i think he's just using me. After i got all that out he told me that YES he was seeing her again but only so that they could leave off on good terms. He also said that he wasn't lying when he told me he didn't want to get back with her and that he is sticking to that. So i totally made myself look pyscho and i feel like i turned him off. He didn't like his ex girlfriend anymore because she was crazy and too overprotective and there i was getting all defensive and accusing him of going back to her when we weren't even together. I was so worried about getting hurt that i just tried to protect myself and threw it all out there. Do you think i turned him off enough for him to not want anything with me anymore? Did i ruin any possibly chances of us being together? Before this trip he didn't call me for a week so i assumed he didn't want to see me anymore. And during the trip we weren't even really talking to each other as much. I feel like before maybe if he got all this breaking up stuff out of his system he could start to like me fully...but now that i got so paranoid i feel like i turned him off completly. Any advice or input would be great. Thanks.

  2. #2
    vashti's Avatar
    vashti is offline Hot love muffin guru
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    I think you are crazy for subjecting yourself to all this drama. He told you he still loves his ex. If I were you, I would believe him. Why would you settle for being his "plan B" girl, and only get to be with him when she doesn't want to see him?
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Northern Virginia, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by vashti View Post
    I think you are crazy for subjecting yourself to all this drama. He told you he still loves his ex. If I were you, I would believe him. Why would you settle for being his "plan B" girl, and only get to be with him when she doesn't want to see him?
    amen to that

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Down here
    He said he still likes his ex...so screw off. How can this situation be any simpler?
    Something went terribly wrong

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Gaaah! Please tell me why, for God's sake, you want this guy in the first place? Is it just because you want to win? He's no prize. He's... damaged goods. He's got her all over him. Eeew.

    Find a guy who isn't all emotionally stunted.
    Spammer Spanker

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