Dispel/support this myth?
Dispel/support this myth?
the vagina is intended to expand to give birth..so obviously when you have a baby its going to loosen up a little..and in some cases women have to get stitches cos the baby's head stretches it that much.
"We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little bit of each other everywhere."
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i am going to say i ride the fence, your vaginal walls are muscles so they stretch and constrict. Now with that said a women that takes care of her self and uses lube and practices kegels could probley sit on god knows what and not be considered loose. Now if you do not take care of your self, your over all heath will be bad so why would a persons vaginal heath be any different.
I don't understand the point of the lube ^, but yes, kegels will help a woman regain muscle tone after giving birth. However, the more you give birth, the more stretched out those muscles become.
Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?
lube so you do not ripe your muscle walls or skin
Your body makes its own lubrication if the guy knows what he is doing.
Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?
well this is true but i stand on the line that says there is never to much lube. and what if i a person has a large amount of flesh around there vaginal opening, so forth
i have no idea, i assume it could stretch/loosen it is only flesh tissue, for example stretch marks and the like, if its pulled over a long period of time skin can easily loosed
I had a baby, I ripped, but it was the skin between the vagina and the anus. I pushed too fast. Had a few stitches but it didnt "stretch" me. The muscles in the vagina DO stretch, its the way God made us to give birth. BUT kegel excercises help to reduce the stretching, and multiple births will stretch the walls more.
There are surgeries now available to tighten the vagina walls. My friend just had it done. She feels like she's 16 she said, in a joking manner of course. We'll see how it really works when she gets the ok to have intercourse! I want mine tightened damnit!
everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.
If women have a lot of sex they become lose and useless.
"Why are you an atheist?"
"because I paid attention in science class."
umm k so if you get together with someone, and they are really loose, they are a slut! considering they are 20 and has never given birth